  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 許樹淵


有氧競技體操難度動作趨勢分析 研究生:童俊貴 指導教授:許樹淵 摘 要 有氧競技體操(aerobics gymnastics)為結合競技體操及傳統有氧舞蹈運動特性所發展出之富技術性的高層次競技運動。然而,因為缺乏在安排訓練工作時所需的訓練方向與學理依據,目前國內尚未發展出具系統性及有效性的有氧競技體操訓練工作。本研究主要目的在於分析參加2006世界有氧競技體操錦標賽決賽選手之難度動作,探討有氧競技體操難度動作的趨勢,以提供未來訓練工作進行時的參考依據。研究對象以參加2006年世界有氧競技體操錦標賽決賽,五個項目,各八位選手,共四十位選手進行分析。研究方法取得比賽實況影帶,再從比賽之實況錄影帶中,利用影片觀察法針對選手之難度動作所出現之頻率作統計,作次數分配。最後分析選手四個難度類別的難度動作適合度考驗,以卡方(X?)考驗其驗著性。根據研究結果得到以下結論: 1. 男子個人項目選手四個難度類別差異達p<.05顯著水準(X?=28.111),其中以C類別難度動作出現頻率最高,其次是A類別難度動作。 2. 女子個人項目選手四個難度類別差異達p<.05顯著水準(X?=30.333),其中以C類別難度動作出現頻率最高,其次是D類別難度動作。 3. 男女配對項目選手四個難度類別差異達p<.05顯著水準(X?=23.143),其中以C類別難度動作出現頻率最高,其次是D類別難度動作。 4. 三人組項目選手四個難度類別差異達p<.05顯著水準(X?=28.000),其中以C類別難度動作出現頻率最高,其他三個類別難度的出現頻率則是一樣。 5. 六人組項目選手四個難度類別差異達p<.05顯著水準(X?=29.917),其中以C類別難度動作出現頻率最高,其次是D類別難度動作。


Analysis of difficulty elements for Aerobics Gymnastics student:Chun -Kuei Tung advisor:Shuh-yuan Hsu Abstract Aerobics Gymnastics is a competitive exercise with the characteristics of artistic gymnastics and traditional aerobics requiring well performing skills of athletes. However there are not to develop systematic and effective methods to train Taiwanese athletes doing the aerobics gymnastics. Thus the purpose of this study is to analyze the movement frequency of the aerobics gymnastics competition, chi-square test was used in this study to analyze the difference among the four difficulty elements for final contestants participating in the preliminary of 2006 World Championships. The present results indicate that:(1)The difference of four difficulty elements in the Individual men was significant. The highest frequency of four difficulty elements was C element. Second was A element.(2)The difference of four difficulty elements in the Individual woman was significant. The highest frequency of four difficulty elements was C element. Second was D element.(3)The difference of four difficulty elements in the Mixed pair was significant. The highest frequency of four difficulty elements was C element. Second was D element.(4)The difference of four difficulty elements in the Trio was significant. The highest frequency of four difficulty elements was C element. Other elements were edual.(5)The difference of four difficulty elements in the Group was significant. The highest frequency of four difficulty elements was C element. Second was D element.


許樹淵(1994)。中華民國大專院校第二十五屆運動員成績分析。台北市: 中華民國體育學會。
Fink, H.(1998). Performance analysis of the 1997 world championships September1-7, 1997,Lausanne Switzerland.Bulletin FIG,N(173),111-127.
