  • 學位論文


Why work hard? – A study of teachers’ alienation

指導教授 : 王麗雲


一路走來,何必如一—教師異化之研究 摘 要 過去國內外以「教師異化」為題的研究論文,大都依循社會心理學家西門所歸納的「疏離感」五面向,佐以問卷調查的研究方法,探討造成「教師疏離感」的相關因素,作為改進學校制度的參考。但是,這類「教師疏離感」的研究,不但捨棄「異化」概念原有的辯證意涵,也忽視了教師作為一個主體的能動性。因此,本研究一反過去的量化模式,改採馬克思的異化勞動論,作為論述的主軸,並選擇一所臺北市的公立小學進行實地田野的觀察與訪談工作,以剖析教師主體和異化結構間的辯證過程。 本研究首先以馬克思的人學理論,說明教師應在教育工作中,充分實踐「人性本質」,其具體的表現就是「工作熱誠」、「適性教學」、「變通創意」及「開放心胸」,從而彰顯「自覺自為」的主體意志。但是,在勞動力商品化的資本社會,教師工作成為了維持家計的強制勞動,而這讓上述的教師應然圖像,面臨了來自「階級處境」和「學校生態」的雙重挑戰。其一,就階級處境而言,教師將勞動力販售給國家的同時,也讓渡了主體的意志,從而在經濟上「甘願認命」,政治上「中立自律」,意識型態上「靠攏主流」,且難以產生「左右國家政策」的階級抗爭行動。其二,就學校生態而言,教師看透了「有功無賞」的待遇結構,從而呈顯出「精打細算」、「限制產出」的怠工行為,致使平庸低調的教學表現成為校園合理的工作常態。最後,教師儘管面臨到「階級處境」和「學校生態」的雙重壓迫,仍可以透過「批判性」的反省及「相對性」的思考,覺察現實的不公,化解內在的矛盾,由此採取「迂迴轉進」的抗拒策略,並且在「姊妹情誼」的團結基礎上,陽奉陰違地發動逆轉異化的教學實踐。


Why work hard? – A study of teachers’ alienation Abstract In the past, the paper titled with “teachers’ alienation” mainly followed the five dimensions of “sense of alienation” proposed by social psychologist Seeman Melvin. Questionnaire surveys are often conducted to analyze the relevant factors causing “teachers’ alienation” as the reference for improving school institutions. However, the research on “teachers’ sense of alienation” not only abandoned the dialectic meaning of “alienation”, but also ignored the self-motivation of the teacher being an agent. Therefore, this research is different from the quantitative model used in the past, adopting the “alienated labor theory” introduced by Marx as the main statement flow. The researcher selected a municipal elementary school in Taipei to conduct field observation and interview in order to analyze the dialectic process of teachers and the alienation structure. This research used the “human theory” of Marx to illustrate that teachers should fulfill the “human nature” in education work. Concrete behaviors included “passion for work”, “adaptive teaching”, “flexible creativities” and “open mind”, all in all emphasizing the individual will of “self-awareness and self-creation”. However, in the capital society with labor-merchandised property, teaching work became a coactive labor for raising families, producing challenges to teachers’ ideal figure mentioned above with “hierarchical situation” and “school ecology”. As for the hierarchical situation, at the time the teachers sold their labor force to the nation, they also aliened their individual will, being “resigned” in economy, maintaining “neutral” in politics, stood “close to the main stream” in ideology, and became incapable of conducting hierarchical rebelling activities to affect the national policy. Talking about the school ecology, the teachers fully understood the compensation system of “no award for good teachers”. As a result, they presented “deliberate” and “output-restricted” labor practices, which made mediocre teaching performance a rational choice in the campus. At last, though the teachers faced the double threats of “hierarchical situation” and “school ecology”, they may also be aware of the unfairness of reality. To solve their paradox deep in the hearts through critical reflection and relativistic thinking, teachers thus adopted the resistant strategy of “obey publicly and defy privately” toward the teaching practice in order to turn alienation with their “sisterhood” bond. Keywords: alienation, alienated labor, self-enriching alienation, teachers’ alienation


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