  • 學位論文


Frequent Patterns Change Detection over Data Streams

指導教授 : 柯佳伶




Recently, the data of many real applications is generated in the form of data streams. Therefore, mining recent frequent patterns over data streams is one of the important research issues in data mining. According to the literatures, the recently frequent patterns are discovered effectively by using a sliding window. However, it is costly to perform frequent patterns re-mining in a sliding window at each time point. In this thesis, it is adopted that the previously discovered frequent patterns represent the current frequent patterns approximately when the change of frequent patterns is not significant. Accordingly, two methods, named FCDS and FCDG, are proposed to monitor the frequent patterns over a special data stream and a general data stream environment, respectively. By monitoring the appearing frequencies of patterns in a sliding window, the difference between the new recently frequent patterns and the previous ones is estimated at each time point. Only when the change is more than a user-defined threshold value, a re-mining process is required to find the exact frequent patterns in the sliding window. The experimental results show that FCDS and FCDG detect the change of the recent frequent patterns effectively and efficiently. The execution time of FCDS and FCDG is less than the time of re-mining frequent patterns in a sliding window significantly. Furthermore, from the maintained data structures, the changing information of recent frequent patterns is provided.


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