  • 學位論文


Surreal Eye: Extra-ordinary Scenes in Surrealist Photography

指導教授 : 林志明 博士




This thesis focuses on the images of commonplace and everyday life in surrealist photography. Through this examination, it is hoped that the meaning of early surrealist photography can be discovered and revealed. The theme of “extra-ordinary scenes” is divided into three chapters. Each part examines and discusses how ordinary scenes reveal themselves in extraordinary ways. Additionally, rethinking certain practices of photography within the context of surrealism will also be considered. In chapter one, I will explain how surrealists used photographic images as their trigger to recreate myths of the city and to recall ghosts from the past. In chapter two, I will discuss the issue of time in surrealist photography. Specifically, the surrealists’ concept about time and how they used photography to represent it. In chapter three, I will show the relationship between ordinary objects and desired conditions. Through this examination, I will argue that the transfiguration of surrealistic objects makes ordinary scenes extraordinary. Ultimately, the thesis provides confirmation that within the surrealist context we change our ways of seeing through the use of the “surreal eye.”


Lacan, Jacques, “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience,” trans. Alan Sheridan, in Jacques Lacan, Ecrits: A Selection, New York: W. W. Norton, 1977.
Sontag, Susan著,黃翰荻 譯,《論攝影》,台北:唐山,1997。
Roland Barthes著,張碧珠 譯,〈羅蘭巴特論攝影〉,《當代》,第113期,1995年9月。
Ades, Dawn and Baker, Simon (ed.), Undercover Surrealism: Georges Bataille and Documents, Cambridge/ Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2006.
────, Dali, London: Thames and Hudson, 1982.


