  • 學位論文


A Study of the Structure of the School Administration Human Resources of Which in Taipei County National Middle School

指導教授 : 蓋浙生


本研究主要目的,在於探討有關組織人力資源之意涵與概念、實際運作與其相關研究等在國民中學學校行政上的應用,並瞭解臺北縣國民中學學校行政人力資源結構與現況,探究臺北縣國民中學學校行政人力資源結構運作時亟待解決的問題。最後根據研究結論提出建議,以供相關單位與人員進行學校行政人力資源結構調整之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究兼採文件與文獻分析法、問卷調查法。首先透過文件與文獻分析法,探討組織人力資源之意涵與概念、實際運作與其相關研究等在國民中學學校行政上的應用,並瞭解我國國民中學學校行政人力資源結構之與相關法令規定、運作現況與問題等;其次,根據文獻探討的結果,編製「臺北縣國民中學學校行政人力資源結構調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解臺北縣國民中學學校行政人力資源結構之制度面情形、運作之現況及問題等;最後,根據文獻探討及調查研究的結果,提出本研究之結論及具體建議。 本研究之調查對象為臺北縣國民中學的校長、主任和教師兼任組長,以分層隨機抽樣方式進行抽樣,抽取28所樣本學校,發出264份問卷,實得有效樣本202份,問卷資料處理採SPSS for Windows11版本套裝軟體程式進行統計分析。 根據文獻探討與問卷調查發現,綜合歸納為以下結論: 一、進行組織結構調整對國民中學而言有其必要性,而調整的項目主要為人員員額控管與人事經費之彈性運用,最符合學校之需求。 二、對現時國民中學之規模而言,「十三班以上」的編制較為合理,但仍有人力資源不足之現象,如何建立良好之組織架構調整與全面性之人力調派機制,是為目前當務之急。 三、學校行政人員肯定彈性運用人力之效益,但因其屬短期、非固定之員工,流動性大,穩定性和向心力不足,相對於學校而言,亦有其潛在的問題。 四、學校行政人員肯定學校給予兼任行政工作成員的支持度,對現職感到勝任,而覺得留任學校服務是正確的決定;但因工作負擔重,吃力不討好,又加上兼任行政工作之教師多由年輕新進教師擔任,其熱情有餘,經驗較不足,易生挫折,致使工作意願低落,人員異動頻仍。 五、學校行政人員贊同將與教學無關之業務委外,既能引進專業服務,減輕學校行政人員之工作負擔,部分委外業務還可為學校挹注場地費之收入。但受廠商承攬業務意願之限制,而有不同之成效。 六、不同背景的學校行政人員對臺北縣國民中學學校行政人力資源結構運作看法上,以不同設校時間(校齡)、學校規模和學校類型背景的學校行政人員的差異性最大。由於不同類型、規模、與設校時間(校齡)之學校的發展重點不同,於各校人力資源的重點需求與發展亦不同,相關法令規定與配套措施宜有彈性調整之機制,以應不同學校需求之滿足。 七、臺北縣國民中學學校行政人力資源結構運作亟待解決的問題主要為學校行政人力不足、工作負擔和壓力過重、業務不熟、工作勞逸不均等因素,又加上法令配套之不足,致使教師兼任行政工作意願低落,人員異動頻仍,間接影響學校行政工作之效能。 根據研究結論及研究者之意見,對於國民中學學校行政人力資源結構之運作,提出下列建議: 茲依據本研究的研究發現,並參照文獻探討的結果,提出相關建議如下: 一、對於教育行政機關的建議 (一)修訂相關法令,合理精算教師與行政員額,使教師工作負擔趨於公平。 (二)詳細規劃配套措施以落實政策之推展。 (三)重視學校行政人才的養成,規劃適當的培訓課程或管道,增進學校行政人員行政專業素養與業務之熟悉度。 (四)建立學校教師與行政人員明確之權責關係與各項福利、待遇差別化。 二、對學校的建議 (一)重視人力資源觀念,重新調整學校組織,加強初任或新進學校行政人員之培育與養成。 (二)善用資訊科技,提升人力資源管理的效能。 (三)落實學校本位管理,及早規劃學校發展藍圖與人才需求,以發展學校特色。 (四)合理調整組織架構,重建工作流程。


The main goal of this research is to discuss many aspects of the organization human resources, including the concept, the actual operation, and the connected studies on the application to the school administration in the national middle school, and understand the structure and present situation of municipal junior high schools in Taipei county to inquire into the possible difficulties when the structure operates. Finally, according to the conclusion, put forward a proposal for the correlation unit and the personnel as a reference to adjust the structure of the school administration human resources. In order to reach the above goal, this research concurrently adopt the document and The literature analytic method and the questionnaire survey.First, use the document and the literature analytic method to discuss the concept and the actual operation of the organization human resources, and the connected studies on the application to the school administration in the national middle school and understand the structure of the school administration human resources in municipal junior high schools and the correlative laws and stipulations,present operation situation and the possible difficulties and so on. Next, according to the result of the literature discussion, formulate a questionnaire relating to the structure of the school administration human resources in municipal junior high schools in Taipei county to conduct the investigation and study, so as to find out the situation of the system of, the operation and the possible difficulties and so on; Finally,put forward the conclusion and the concrete suggestion of this research according to the results. The investigation object of this research includes the principals of municipal junior high schools in Taipei county, directors and the teachers who hold concurrent posts of group leaders. The research is carried on by the lamination random sampling way, extracting 28 samples schools. 264 questionnaires are sent out and 202 solid samples are received. The data processing of the questionnaires adopts SPSS for the Windows II edition coverall software formula to carry on the statistical analysis. The conclusions are drawn from the literature discussion and the questionnaires: First, it is necessary to adjust the organizational structure for the municipal junior high school, but the main adjustments are the control of prescribed number of personnel and elasticity of utilization for the personnel specified number of personnel, most conforming to demand of the school. Second, on the present scale of the municipal junior high schools in Taipei county, the organization of "above13 classes" is reasonable. But there is still a phenomenon of the human resources insufficiency. The present urgent matter is how to establish the good organizationconstruction adjustment and the overall mechanism of manpower assignment. Third, the school administrative personnel affirms benefit of the elastic utilization manpower, but because the staff are the short-term and part-time , there are latent problems about the fluidity, the stability and the insufficient centripetal force. Fourth, the school administrative personnel affirm the school gives those part-time member's support and are equal to the current position, and think it is the correct decision to remain in office of the school services; Beside the heavy loads , those teachers are most young and junior. They are very enthusiastic ,but inexperienced and easily feel frustrated. So they are not willing to work , and change their positions frequently. Fifth, the school administrative personnel approve of that specialist, not teachers, take charge of those affairs which have nothing to do with the teaching. In this way, the professional service will be able to introduced to lighten of work load of the school administrative personnel. The school can benefit from the income. Sixth, the school administrative personnel with different backgrounds has different ideas , especially the timing (school age), the school scale and the school type cause the biggest differences. Seventh, the urgent problems to solve are the school administration manpower insufficiency, the heavy work load , the pressure, not familiar with the service and the insufficiency laws to form a complete set. According to the conclusion of studies and the researchers’ opinions, as for the operation regarding the structure of the school administration human resources in municipal junior high schools, the following proposals are put forward: A. The suggestions of the educational administration institution: (1) Revise correlative laws to reasonably calculate the number of personnel of the teacher and the administrative and enable the teacher work load to tend to be fair. (2) Plan necessary measures to carry out promoting of the policy. (3) Emphasize the training of the school administration talented persons. (4) Establish the clear and concrete relations of the power and responsibility, welfare and the treatment between the school teachers and the administrative personnel. B. The suggestions to schools: (1) Value the concept of human resources idea and readjust the school organization. (2) Make good uses of the information science and technology to promote the efficiency of human resources management . (3) Carry out the school-centered management, and plan the development blueprint of he school early and the demand for the talented persons to develop the school characteristic. (4) Adjust the structure of organization reasonably to reconstruct the process of work.




