  • 學位論文

離婚單親者的家庭資源、個人認知 與離婚調適

指導教授 : 周麗端


本研究運用家庭壓力理論的觀點檢視離婚單親的家庭資源、個人認知對離婚調適的影響。以離婚單親者為對象,採取滾雪球抽樣的方式來收集樣本,最後有效樣本為145位。本研究工具包括:離婚調適量表(包括沮喪及幸福感次量表)、對離婚的看法量表、生活事件及生活事件評價量表、社會支持及支持感受量表、以及個人基本資料。 研究以SPSS統計軟體進行分析,統計方法包括:描述統計、t考驗、相關分析、階層迴歸分析等。本研究發現: 1、壓力源事件、家庭資源因素、個人認知因素對離婚調適的直接影響部份:(1)壓力因素及認知因素對沮喪皆具直接影響力,但資源因素(社會支持)則否;(2)壓力源事件、家庭資源因素(社會支持)、及個人認知因素對幸福感皆具顯著的直接影響力。 2、家庭資源因素、個人認知因素在壓力源事件與離婚調適之間的中介影響部份:(1)在沮喪模型中,社會支持及壓力評價的中介效果未獲支持;但是,離婚看法及社會支持滿意的中介效果獲得支持,其中社會支持滿意在壓力源事件與沮喪之間,及社會支持與沮喪之間皆為中介變項;(2) 在幸福感模型中,社會支持、壓力評價及離婚看法的中介效果皆未獲支持,僅有社會支持滿意的中介效果獲得支持,與沮喪模型相似,社會支持滿意在壓力源事件與沮喪之間,及社會支持與沮喪之間皆為中介變項。 最後,根據研究發現提出結論及相關建議。


Based on the concepts of Double ABCX model, this study examined the effect of stressors, family resource factor (social support), and personal perception factors (the perception of stressors, acceptance of marital termination, and satisfied with social support) on divorce adaptation, including happiness and depression. The final sample comprised 145 divorced parents. Results from Hierarchical Regression demonstrated that: Stressors and personal perception factors predicted the level of depression when controlling for gender, time since divorce, the age of youngest child, education, and income; but social support was not predictive of the level of depression. Stressors, social support, and personal perception factors predicted the level of happiness. We hypothesized that social support and personal perception factors may mediate the link between stressors and divorce adaptation, and our findings are partially support this hypothesis. In the depression model, there are three mediated significant paths: (1) satisfied with social support partially mediated links between stressors and depression, (2) acceptance of marital termination partially mediated links between stressors and depression, and (3) satisfied with social support fully mediated links between social support and depression. In the happiness model, there are two mediated significant paths: satisfied with social support fully mediated links between stressors and happiness, and between social support and happiness.


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