  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Political Situation during the Early Reign of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳登武


受到唐帝國生命史將走上衰亡的影響,距唐帝國滅亡約30年而且發生王黃戰爭的唐僖宗一朝,往往被視為唐帝國注定走上滅亡的時代分水嶺。與此類概念一脈相承,僖宗朝的君臣多半被視若昏君奸臣,至多也就中庸之才,在朝廷政治上,則充斥著諸如宦官專權以致政治敗壞等等描繪。但是唐僖宗朝的衰世形象,往往令人分不清是來自僖宗君臣所做所為,還是在建構唐後期宦官亂政史、帝國衰亡史時所連帶賦予的形象。 因此,本文先清理唐後期朝廷政治中難以避免的宦官參政問題,並主張宦官參政造成政治腐化,甚至是帝國衰亡元兇的說法,實有失公允。一則諸如過往對於宦官控制皇位繼承等等宰制帝國朝廷的指控,不免言過其實,二則任何組織方式都會有優點也有缺點,而在唐後期,宦官們大張旗鼓地參政固然不免有所流弊,但也有助帝國從安史戰爭的危局中重新振作,並保持唐帝國百年來的存續。 在宦官亂政說的影響下,唐僖宗的朝廷往往被直接認定為注定衰敗的朝廷。但是若細察僖宗即位的過程,那麼支持僖宗為皇的兩軍中尉,並未因而得到多少權力,也難以指稱僖宗皇帝只是宦官們求私利而選出的皇帝,更不當據而解釋僖宗理當是個昏庸之主。事實上,因為兩軍中尉的支援,僖宗皇帝乃得以有個相對穩定的即位過程,而就帝國角度而言,這毋寧稱得上是個穩當的起頭。 而在僖宗即位以後,帝國朝廷也隨即改革政治風氣。若與較具專斷性的懿宗朝相比,僖宗朝前期不論是宰相選人還是鄭盧黨爭所流露的政治運作過程,都顯得更為尊重帝國官僚傳統,也就是較為貼近傳統帝國政治的理想。或許這種政治風氣不免有所缺失,但恐怕不只算不上政治腐敗不堪,反而呈現出包容、制衡、協調等等較為溫和、理性、廣納眾議的政治風氣,頗有可讚許之處。 還有許多論調運用王黃戰爭的結果,來反推僖宗朝政治的腐敗,或是用來建構鄭盧黨爭中小人誤國的論調。可是,唐帝國當時固然不免有些待改良的問題,但諸般堆疊起王黃戰爭的可能原因往往意韻深遠,新上任年餘的僖宗君臣恐怕難以承擔令王黃戰爭爆發的全責,而鄭盧黨爭也不似一場正邪之戰。本文認為唐帝國會遭到廣明元年(880)黃巢攻入長安的重大失敗,與其說是僖宗朝前期主政的君臣們政治失敗,不如說是帝國遭遇了場軍事失敗,而這場軍事失敗,與其歸罪於帝國君臣的無能,倒不如感佩王仙芝、黃巢那空前的戰略戰術。因為王、黃兩人所領導的游擊戰略、戰術,正好打中了唐帝國數百年來藩鎮軍事體系的破綻,從而得以由四處流竄的盜匪,逐漸累積出足以攻佔長安的軍事力量。 最後,從目前可見的僖宗朝歷史來看,一向被視為僖宗朝前半期富有邪氣的權宦田令孜,其實在廣明元年底黃巢攻入長安之前,並不能在朝廷上擁有宰制性的權力。雖然田令孜隨著僖宗的稱帝而顯達,但直到乾符6年(879)冬天,田令孜所屬的政治派系才在朝廷中穩居優勢,而要等到廣明2年(881)春天僖宗皇帝在成都重建朝廷以後,田令孜才在成都獨特而侷促的條件下,對朝政擁有較強的獨斷權力。 是以,至少廣明元年(880)以前,僖宗朝廷的政治運作情況不單不是一片黑暗,反而還閃爍著幾許明亮。


About 30 years after Xizong became the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty ends. During his reign, the significant war caused by Wang Xian-zhi and Huang Chao occurred. Many people believe that it’s marking the fall of the Tang Dynasty. As a result, it’s considered that the emperor and his government officials are merely incompetent mediocrities. The political situation is often portrayed as eunuchs taking charge of every political affair. However, it’s hard to clarify what results in the decaying image. Is it the result of what the emperor and the government officials’ deeds? Or is the image given by historians? In this paper, I will first explain why it’s natural to have eunuchs involving in domestic affairs in the later period of the Tang Dynasty. I would argue that it’s not fair to say that eunuchs’ involvement in political affairs causes the decline of the Tang Dynasty. Two reasons are provided here. First, it’s overrated that eunuchs get to decide who succeeds to the Throne. Second, there is no perfect system. Every system has its advantages and disadvantages. In the later period of the Tang Dynasty, numerous eunuchs participate in politics, which may have led to some problems. However, from my point of view, they also help the country rise after the destructive An Shi Rebellion. The public often perceive that Emperor Xizong’s government is doomed since eunuchs take charge of most political affair. From my evidence, I find out that emperor is at first supported by Supreme Commanders of Shen-ce Forces. Nevertheless, they are not granted much power. Furthermore, there is no evidence to say that eunuchs support emperor for personal reasons. In addition, no evidence is found to say that this emperor is a mediocrity. From my point of view, the emperor gets a stable start with the Supreme Commanders of Shen-ce Forces’ support. Compared with the former emperor, Emperor Yizong of the Tang Dynasty, who is notorious for his arbitrary and willful style of ruling, Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty is different. From the way Emperor Xizong chooses prime ministers and how he deals with conflicts between Zheng’s and Lu’s party, I find out that he follows traditional administrative system and tries to weigh the pros and cons before the decisions are made. I admit that this style is not flawless. Yet, I would praise this comprehensive and rather reasonable way of ruling. Based on the results of the war caused by Wang Xian-zhi and Huang Chao, some conclude that it’s inevitable for Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty to corrupt. Others argue that the devastating result of that war causes political corruption and that eunuchs are poisonous to the Dynasty. I agree that there are some unresolved problems at that time. However, the reasons why the war occurs are numerous and fundamental. When the war erupts, Emperor Xizong and his people have only been governing for a few years. The conflicts between Zheng’s and Lu’s party are no war between justice and evil. I would argue that the incompetent government officials are not the major reasons why the Huang Chao and his troops invade the capital city, Changan. It’s the loophole in the military system. For many years, the emperors grant regional commanders power in exchange of their loyalty. However, this system falls into pieces in guerrilla war which is Huang Chao’s strategy. That’s why some bandits get to gather together, form a troop and eventually occupies Changan. Tian Ling-zi, who is widely viewed as an evil and powerful eunuch, is actually not an important or influential figure before Huang Chao invades in Changan. He doesn’t have much power over domestic affair at that time. From my evidence, Tian Ling-zi and his party have the edge over other government officials until the spring of A.D.879, almost six years after the reign of the emperor. By the time the emperor rebuild another capital in Chengdu in A.D.881, under special and urgent conditions, Tian Ling-zi and his party have become more and more arbitrary and influential. Thus, I would conclude that the political situation of the early reign of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty is not dark but bright in some ways.




