  • 學位論文


Chance Encounter-Representation and Empathy with the Landscape

指導教授 : 蘇憲法


本文共分為六個章節,透過對藝術史、美學和前輩畫家們的研究分析以及旁徵博引,加以闡述筆者自身的創作。第一章緒論主要是探討在現代多元紛雜的藝術型態之下,繪畫對於自身的價值和意義,以及創作興起的動機,生活環境的改變所造成的心境變遷對創作的影響和選擇「偶遇」作為主標題的原因,還有創作研究的範圍。      第二章主要是說明創作理念與背景元素:分別探討「再現」與「移情」的意義和發展,冀望能兼容並蓄西方繪畫之景物再現的傳統和中國繪畫主體移情的精神,達到筆者所謂「五感」繪畫的境地。      第三章是關於創作的學理基礎之研究,包括西方風景畫的起源和演變,現代都市生活中人們的集體心象,波特萊爾對於「現代性」的定義,社會學家沃斯和齊美爾如何解釋都市性格的形成原因,以及影響筆者創作的四位當代畫家-傑哈.李希特、愛德華.霍普、傑弗利.史馬特和彼得.多伊格。      第四章是關於創作內容、形式、技法與媒材的說明:創作內容主要為筆者與周遭環境景物在某一特定時空下偶遇所激發的情感,並藉由景物的描繪來體現筆者內心世界;創作的形式包含早期「理性的旁觀」與後期「直覺的抒情」,並加以闡述「直覺」對繪畫創作的重要性;技法主要呼應「直覺的抒情」之創作形式,不重形體的清晰明確,注重筆觸及色彩所營造之氛圍。      第五章為各幅作品的創作背景與理念之詳細說明。第六章則為對整體創作的總結與感想,以及對未來創作發展的期望。


再現 移情作用 風景畫 現代性


This thesis is divided into six chapters.The authorelaboratestheconceptand backgroundof herown worksaccording to the research and analysis of art history, aesthetics and talented artists.In the first chapter,the first part is the prefaceexploringwhat is the value of paintingagainsttoday’swidediversityof art.The second part is the motivation fordoing these paintings and the explanationof thisthesis title.The third part is to definethe scope of the research. The second chapter is to clarifypersonal idea andbackgroundthrough exploringthe definitionand developmentof representation and empathyinwestern paintingsand Chinese paintingsrespectively. In the end, the author triesto combinerepresentation withempathy inlandscapepaintingsto achieve the goal of“five-sense painting.” The third chapteris the basic studies of thisthesis, including the origin and development ofwestern landscape paintings,the common characteristics of people in the modern city,the definition of “modernity”fromBaudelaire, the reasonsstated bysociologists LouisWirthand Georg Simmelwhy “urban personality”appeared,and finally, theintroduction toGerhard Richter, Edward Hopper, Jeffrey Smart as well as Peter Doig. The fourth chapteris to explain the content, manner, technique and materialof the author’sworks.The content is mainly to embody the author’semotionthrough the depiction ofsurrounding views.In terms ofthemannersadoptedinthe author’s paintings,thepreviousworkstend torational depiction, while the others areintuitive, emotional expression.The painting technique primarily correspondsto the intuitive and emotional expression. As a result,rather than pay attention to the shape of each object, the atmosphere created by the strokes and colors ismore important. The fifth chapteris detailed description of each painting.The sixth chapter isthe conclusion of the dissertation and the expectation for the future.


representation empathy landscape painting modernity


Nicholas Mirzoeff《An Introduction to Visual Culture 》London,Routledge,1999
《Jeffrey Smart》Australia,The Art Gallery of New South Wales,1999
林伯賢撰《美學藝術學/第四期 超越感知的盲點:數位藝術中的真實幻象》2009年7月
