  • 學位論文


A Study on Learning Styles of University Music Majors

指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究旨在探討音樂系學生學習類型的分布狀況與相關因素。研究樣本為臺北縣市九所設有音樂系之大學院校,隨機抽取二年級與四年級各20人,一共360人。研究方法採用問卷調查法,參考Kolb學習類型理論,編製學習類型量表做為研究工具。研究目的有二:1. 了解音樂系學生學習類型的分布狀況;2. 探討不同背景變項音樂系學生學習類型之差異。本研究獲得以下研究結果: 1. 從整體分布、性別、年級、主修組別、就讀學校體系、以及音樂班就讀背 景來檢視音樂系學生學習類型的分布狀況,皆以適應型為最多數。 2. 不同背景變項音樂系學生學習類型之差異: (1)性別會影響抽象概念與省思觀察構面,而男性比女性表現更為明顯。 (2)年級不會影響學習類型的呈現。 (3)主修組別不會影響學習類型,唯獨在具體經驗構面有差別:主修弦樂比主修鍵盤的學生更傾向擴散型與適應型。 (4)藝術專業體系的學生在學習類型表現,較師範體系偏向擴散型與適應型,較綜合體系偏向擴散型。 (5)國小與國中音樂班就讀背景不會影響學習類型的呈現,而高中階段具有音樂班就讀背景的學生,更偏向擴散型與適應型。 (6)主修成績與具體經驗、省思觀察與主動實驗的分數有關,故主修成績越高,學習類型越偏向擴散型或適應型。 本研究依據研究結果,亦對教學者、學習者與未來研究等三方面提出建議。


This research aimed to investigate the distribution and the affecting factors of the learning styles of undergraduate music majors. Samples came from 9 universities with music departments in Taipei areas. Using random sampling, this research sampled 20 sophomores and 20 senior students from each university, 360 samples in total. This research utilized the Kolb’s theory as the reference to design the questionnaire. There were two purposes of this research: 1. to understand the distribution of students’ learning styles of undergraduate music majors; 2. to investigate the differences in students’ learning styles due to the difference of student backgrounds. From this study, it was found that “accommodating” is the dominant style from the point of view of gender, grade, major, school system and whether the students are from the musically talented program or not. The factors affecting the learning style can be summarized as follows: (1) Gender can affect the dimensions of abstract conceptualization and reflective observation, and it was more obvious for male than female. (2) Year is irrelevant to the learning style. (3) The different majors have no effect on the learning style except there is a difference among the dimension of concrete experience: students majoring in string instruments tended to be more diverging and accommodating than piano majors. (4) Students from the art school system tend to be more diverging and accommodating than the students from normal systems, and tend to be more diverging as compared with the students from comprehensive school systems. (5) Whether the students are educated from the musically talented program in their elementary and junior high school studies or not has no effect on their learning style. The students from senior high school musically talented program tend to be more diverging and accommodating. (6) Grades in their majors are correlated with the grades of concrete experience, reflective observation and active experimentation; therefore, the higher the grades in their majors, the more tendency to be diverging or accommodating. According to the results of this research, some suggestions are proposed for the teachers and students, and future studies.




