  • 學位論文

美人.計--- 當代臺灣女性追求「外在美表現形式」之研究

The Counting of Beauty-Research on Performing Forms of Women in Modern Taiwan Purchasing “Outer Beauty”

指導教授 : 蘇憲法 教授


隨著生活水平的提昇,國人對於外在美的追求不遺餘力,外在美的形式也隨著時代不同而不斷地變化。愛美的且年齡層逐年下降、維持外在美的成本卻不斷地升高,臺灣在美容消費的金額更是屢創新高。 本研究以文獻蒐集、問卷調查的方式,從社會各角度尋找外在美的標準,以及外在美在生命中扮演的角色,並找出影響外在美的因素。研究並指出在審美的內心活動中,對於由「內在」所產生的「氣質美」之重要性,也進一步說明了在評量外在美的形式之外,有著更重要的內在美的問題。外在美的重點是「人對人的美感鑑賞」,現代女性可透過學習,在追求外在美之前,可藉先檢視自己的內在美,經由美學的角度去審視生活週遭一切的事務,培養自己的審美能力與正確的審美觀念,以改變自己的內外在條件,展現合宜而不強求的外在美,認清追求外在美的代價,重視外在美之外的內心審察價值進而實踐,才能成就自我,創造永恆的美感。 作品分為三部分呈現:一、人體各器官的外在美。二、整體美。三、時尚與流行表現。透過電腦輔助,以介於照相寫實與普普風格的色調分離技術,完成「外在美」的藝術形式畫面。最後透過油畫,展現其效果與張力,將筆者的研究以圖像資訊向觀眾傳達。


外在美 外貌 外形 容貌 漂亮 美的形式


Behind this study is the motivation from drastically increasing population of people on Taiwan pursuing personal outer beauty or appealing appearance thanks to day to day living quality level. The pursuing features being trendy in form closely following the world tide and steadily lowering average age of outer beauty pursuers while drastically increasing cost spent in maintaining outer beauty. This study aims at exploring the integrated beauty and aesthetics for pursuers, which consists of both apparent one – outer beauty and subtle one – inner beauty. In methodology, this study adapts literature review and survey through questionnaire, trying to find out the existing criteria of outer beauty from various aspects of the society, the role outer beauty plays in life and also the factors affecting outer beauty. Through research, this study also sees and points out the importance of “beauty of character” derived from the “inner sphere” of a person in the mental activities of beauty appreciation; the study further demonstrates what a more well rounded evaluation of beauty requires – not only the form of outer beauty but also more significantly the core of inner beauty. While outer beauty of a person relies mainly on “person-to-person beauty appreciation” inner beauty of a female beauty pursuer today to be self-examined earlier and enhanced through learning before pursuing for outer beauty. More precisely the pursuer can develop and cultivate both beauty appreciating competence and well rounded concept of beauty appreciation by examining everything arises in the daily life from aesthetic point, so as to better the inner and outer conditions of the pursuer’s and thus to be able to demonstrate her outer beauty properly without exaggeration, and to have a clear picture in mind about what it takes to pursue outer beauty, furthermore to appropriately value the significance of examining the inner sphere and put the examination into practice; and the long lasting or eternal beauty is right at the corner. The work in this study takes form in three components: 1. Outer beauty demonstrated by all parts of the human body as a whole; 2. Integrated beauty of the person, and 3. Added beauty from the fashion and trend ornaments. The work in this study comes a long way; firstly the “outer beauty” picture in artistic form is accomplished by application of pasteurization techniques for the target picture presenting in a style in between photo-realism and pop art styles, and next the work is enriched with oil painting techniques for the desired effect and impact and finally precisely expresses and delivers the messages of this study in form of image data to the audience.


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3.Pam Meecham, Julie Sheldon作; 王秀滿譯,(2006),《最新現代藝術批判》,臺北縣永和市 : 韋伯文化國際。
