  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizational Change and Administration effiency〜Reconstructed of old Military Service´s Residence in Taipei(1994〜2008)

指導教授 : 曲兆祥


中文摘要: 國防部為貫徹照顧軍眷之德意,配合國家經濟政策及社會發展,加速更新國軍列管老舊眷村,改善原眷戶之居住環境品質,提高眷村土地經濟效益,協助地方政府取得公共設施用地並改善都市景觀,於民國69年5月30日訂頒「國軍老舊眷村重建試辦期間作業要點」等相關規定執行,惟因前述行政命令未臻周延,致部分老舊眷村無法辦理改建,影響眷改執行進度。為能依法行政,加速辦理老舊眷村改、遷建工作,提高行政效率,國防部研擬「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」,案經立法院於民國85年2月5日三讀通過並報奉總統公佈施行。 國軍軍眷服務工作起始於民國32年間,政府遷台初期為安置大陸來台之國軍眷屬,除接收日遺眷舍外,分別由國防部及各軍種單位籌款建造眷舍分配有眷無舍官士,然因眷舍多已老舊,隨著都市迅速發展,該等眷舍逐漸形成城市之窳陋,而眷戶對改建進度更是引頸企盼。國防部為提升老舊眷村改建行政效率,基於「專業分工」之原則將軍眷服務組織實施調整,惟調整過程中因眷服組織成員對工作環境不甚熟悉、對未來工作有不確定感等諸多因素,加以行政機關之間協調及聯繫工作未臻完備,影響眷改執行進度,故如何提昇眷改行政效率似為當前重要課題。 本研究藉由質化之研究方法,針對眷服專業幹部實施訪談,綜彙說明國軍眷服組織變革與行政效率之影響。由訪談結果分析得知:(1)眷服幹部組織變革與行政效率有顯著正向相關;(2)在組織變革與行政效率,在不同個人變項態度有顯著差異;(3)眷服幹部專業能力與行政效率有顯著正向相關。本研究並分別對國防部總政戰局軍眷服務處及各軍種司令部軍眷服務組等行政單位提供多項具體建議,期藉筆者服務軍眷服務組12年餘(自民國83年8月至97年12月止)之眷服專業幹部工作經驗,提昇整體眷改行政效率,維護眷戶權益。 本研究將就老舊眷村有關文獻、學者專家之研究、新制眷村改建之執行編組與職掌、舊制及新制眷村改建法令之比較、新制眷村改建各階段流程、現存各項問題及具體建議等課題逐項探究,並以台北市老舊眷村改建為例;最後並提出老舊眷村改建土地後續處理建議採多元化、多角化經營 (如依法標售處分、眷改土地證券化、設定50年地上權、都市計畫審議都市更新、BOT、委託代管、眷村文化保存)等方式進行。所提多項建議,期能作為國防部軍眷服務處等有關單位執行眷村改建工作之參考,俾能加速推動國軍老舊眷村改(遷)建工作,貫徹政府照顧軍眷之德政。 【關鍵字】眷村改建、原眷戶、組織變革、行政效率、文化保存。


Abstract: In order to carry through the good policy of taking care of military dependents, match up national economic policies and social developments, speed up the renovation of controlled old Military Dependents’ Villages, improve quality of Original Residents’ residential environments, enhance economic effectiveness of land for Military Dependents’ Village, and assist local governments in acquiring lands for public facilities and improving urban landscape, Ministry of National Defense (MND) enacted related regulations for implementation, such as “The Operational Points for the Trial Period of Old Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding” on May 30,1980. However, the foregoing executive order was not completely thoughtful, so that some old Military Dependents’ Villages were unable to process rebuilding, and the progress of executing Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding was influenced. In order to execute administration in accordance with the laws, speed up the work of processing old Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding/Moving, and enhance administrative efficiency, Ministry of National Defense drew up “Statute Governing Reconstruction of Old Military Dependents' Villages” that passed the third reading by Legislative Yuan on Feb. 5, 1996 and was reported to the then president for proclamation and enforcement. The work of Military Dependents Service started since 1943. In early days when the government moved to Taiwan, in addition to taking over dependents’ houses left by Japanese government, Ministry of National Defense (MND) and units of every military service raised funds respectively to construct dependents’ houses for allocating to officers and soldiers who have dependents without any house, for the purpose of settling down military dependents coming from Mainland China. However, these dependents’ houses became old, and gradually turned out to be undesirable spots in cities as cities developed rapidly; hence, dependents were all eager for the progress of rebuilding. In order to enhance the administrative efficiency of old Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, Ministry of National Defense (MND) implemented adjustment on Military Dependents Service Organization, based on the principle of “professional services”. However, during the process of adjustment, the progress of implementing Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding was influenced, due to many factors such as that the members of Military Dependents Service Organization were not very familiar with work environments and had uncertainty about future work, and that coordination and contact work among administrative institutions had not been completed. Therefore, how to enhance the administrative efficiency of Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding seems to be the most important issue currently. This study was conducted through quantitative research methods, aiming at research variables induced from literature review; besides, effective samples were collected by means of questionnaire, interview, statistics and analysis on professional officers of Military Dependents Service Organization, to make integrated explanations about the influences and the administrative efficiency of organizational changes in Military Dependents Service Organization. Through analysis on research results, it was know: (1) the organizational changes in Military Dependents Service Organization had significantly positive correlations with the administrative efficiency; (2) As for organizational change and administrative efficiency, significant difference exists in different attitudes of individual variables; (3) the professional ability possessed by officers of Military Dependents Service Organization had significantly positive correlations with the administrative efficiency. This study has also provided much concrete advice respectively for administrative units such as Military Dependents Service Division of General Political Warfare Bureau in Ministry of National Defense (MND) as well as Military Dependents Service Divisions of Commandant Department in every military service. By providing his 12-years work experience of being a professional officer in Military Dependents Service Division (from August 1994 to November 2008), the author hopes that the entire administrative efficiency of Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding will be enhanced, in order to protect the Military Dependents’ rights. This study has made one-by-one researches on issues such as related literature about old Military Dependents’ Villages, studies made by scholars and experts, the organization and positions for implementing new Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, comparisons between old and new acts for Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, the procedure in every stage of new Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, the existing various problems and concrete suggestions, etc., and has based on the old Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding in Taipei City as example. Finally, the suggestion has been proposed that the subsequent process for land of old Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding should be conducted by means of diversification and conglomeration (ex. Tendering and disposal according to the laws, securities of the land for Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, setting 50-years surface rights, urban planning review & urban renewal, BOT, held in trust, culture preservation of Military Dependents’ Village). The various provided suggestions are hoped to be reference for related units such as Military Dependents Service Division of Ministry of National Defense (MND) to execute the work of Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, in order to facilitate in advancing the work of old Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding/Moving, for the purpose of carrying through the government’s good policy of taking care of military dependents. 【Key words】: Military Dependents’ Village Rebuilding, Original Residents, Organizational change, Administrative Efficiency, Culture Preservation


Casino,W.F.(1993), Downsizing:What Do We Know?Have we Learned?Academy of Management Executive,Vol.7,No.1,pp.95-106.
Business School Press.


