  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Instructional Module for Hospitality Department in Pragmatic Skill Classes of High Schools and Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 徐昊杲


本研究旨在探討高中職實用技能學程餐旅群學生,使用不同教材教學進行「餐廳設備、器具」教學單元課程學習成效之影響。為達成研究目的,採用實驗研究法,研究樣本以高雄縣私立中山高級工商職業學校實用技能學程餐飲技術科二年級二個班共103學生為研究對象,隨機分派一班52人為實驗組另一班51人為控制組,由同一位授課教師參與實驗教學。教學實驗過程中,實驗組實施模組教材教學法,控制組則實施傳統講述式教學法,兩組進行為期五週之實驗教學;此外,研究者為本實驗教學對學生的個別晤談與課堂觀察所獲得的資料,也是本研究結果的參考。 本研究所使用的研究工具有「中華民國行政院勞委會中部辦公室餐旅服務技術職類丙級技術士技能檢定學科測驗試題」及「教育部實用技能學程專業模組教材-餐飲技術科『餐廳設備、器具』單元模組教材教學之學習感受調查表」等。研究結果所得的資料則以t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、獨立樣本單因子共變數分析等統計方法進行處理。 本研究之重要結果如下: 一、實驗組在實施模組教材「餐廳設備、器具」單元教學活動之後,後測得分,顯著高於控制組,其教學效果顯著。 二、學生對模組教材教學實施成效,皆表示肯定。其中最為感到教材內容敘述詳細、簡單化。 三、本研究所採用之「模組教材」教學實為可供教師運用之教材,然而教學方式非完全適合每ㄧ位學生,必須依實際情況作調整,方能達成最佳之教學成效。


The purpose of this study was to design Instructional Module for hospitality department in Pragmatic Skill Classes of high schools and vocational high schools. Through using different teaching materials which was about machines and equipments of restaurants, the effects on students’ academic achievement was investigated. This study was carried out by adopting quasi-experimental design, with103 2nd grade students of Pragmatic skill classes of hospitality department in Chung- Shan industrial commercial high school as the object. For getting the expected results, the students were divided into two groups, which were experiment group and control group; the experiment group was given eight weeks Instructional Module teaching program and control group were given eight weeks conventional teaching program respectively. The study took the hospitality test from Central Region Office in Council of Labor Affairs and the investigation of learning feedback questionnaire as well. In addition, the individual interview from students and observations from teachers were also the references for the results. The analysis was conducted by t-test, independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of covariance. The major findings of the research were as follows: 1. The low-achievement samples in both experimental and control class showed significant differences between Instructional Module teaching and traditional instruction. The results also showed the latter were higher than the former. 2. The experimental class shows that students were all agreed that they like Instructional Module teaching because of it was easier and had more specific details. 3. The results showed that Instructional Module teaching was good enough for teacher to take it as a teaching material. However, the teaching situations were different from one to another. Therefore, it had to be adjusted for individuals.




