  • 學位論文


Theme: Communication --- Ink Painting & Contemporary Context

指導教授 : 李振明


摘 要 本研究從人際溝通的社會互動出發,探討人際中對話形式,試圖將人基本行為模式與思維傳達與繪畫圖像發生關聯,透過人類語言符號、或非語言肢體特徵切入,探討人際交流中有效的溝通行為,藉以描繪對當代人物傳遞信息之狀態。 溝通乃是有效利用各種符號和工具,表達個人的思想或觀念、傾聽及與他人分享不同的見解或資訊,來達到訊息交流的目的。漢朝末年,劉備三次拜訪諸葛亮。諸葛亮受感動了,於是在隆中草廬裡,明確、清楚、生動地對劉備剖析天下形勢。由於諸葛亮的精闢表達,振奮了劉備的心,使得劉備建立了蜀漢的霸業,由此可見表達能力的重要。 藝術起源於自我表現說;馬斯洛理論說明人有溝通的需求與衝動;儒道兩家學說對人謹言慎行的思維有精闢的戒說規範;在網路溝通時代,匿名、跨時空新人際溝通所創造的顏文字表情圖案…理論與現象支持著溝通浪潮的必要迫切性,而察言觀色也正說明著語言與非語言的兩種溝通形式。在現今人際資產重要的時代,眾多的知識與技巧裡,溝通永遠都是我們最有力的能耐。透過人際溝通,我們能夠與人互動、建立並維持關係,滿足在人生上各種意義的行為價值與情感需求。 從拉斐爾《雅典學園》、達文西《最後的晚餐》、達文西《受胎告知》、陳洪綬《無法可說》,進而孟克《吶喊》、梵谷《自畫像》、顧閎中《韓熙載夜宴圖》,到最後中國文人畫的詩書畫三絕,顯現語言與非語言往往同時存在且相輔相成。 「觀物取象」的意象構成;賓主、虛實、透視的透圖與佈白;白描線條的再現,在人物表現上追求更深刻再現現實進而超越現實的表現。 關鍵字: 溝通、副語言、顏文字


溝通 副語言 顏文字


Abstract This research has its starting point focused on social interaction of interpersonal communications to explore conversation styles of interpersonal relationship and draw out the links between basic human behavior and thought models and images in paintings. Also, the research is conducted from the perspective of human language symbols/characteristics of body language without verbal elements to discuss the effective communication behaviors in interpersonal exchanges so as to illustrate how contemporary mankind convey their ideas. Communication involves the utilization of various symbols and tools to effectively convey/accept personal thought or ideas and share different perspectives/information with others to achieve the goal of message exchange. As such, the ability to express oneself with clarity is of utmost importance. To illustrate, toward the end of Han Dynasty, warlord Liu Bei sought to enlist the aid of genius tactician Zhuge Liang by paying him three personal visits. Moved by Liu’s sincerity, Zhuge Liang revealed his famous Longzhong Plan and his vision of how the situation would advance. Zhuge Liang became the source of inspiration for Liu Bei and elevated Liu to become the founding emperor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China. Countless theories and phenomena support the notion that communication is an indispensable element of human behavior. Careful observation of one’s actions and words would reflect upon his communication styles. It is contended that art originates from self-expression and Abraham Maslow's (1908-1970) need-hierarchy theory states that mankind is driven by the needs and impulses to communicate. In addition, Confucianism and Taoism offer specific explanations and rules that describe how one should speak and behave. In an era of communication networks, emoticons (a textual portrayal of facial expression) are born from a new interpersonal communication style that allowed anonymity without temporal or spatial constraints. The use of knowledge and skills along with the increasing importance of social networking further emphasize one’s ability to communicate. Through interpersonal communications, one can interact with others, build and maintain social relationships, and make behavior values and emotional needs meaningful to life. Language and non-verbal messages always occur and complement each other in interpersonal interactions. Examples that support this notion include The School of Athens by Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520), Last Supper and Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Skrik by Edvard Munch (1863-1944), Self-portrait by Vincent Willem van Gogh, The Night Revels of Han Xizai by Gu Hongzhong (937-975) and various instances of poetry, calligraphy and painting that characterize Chinese literati's paintings. This research is divided into three chapters: image construction through the observation of objects and the abstraction of images; image composition that illustrates host-guest relationship and application of blank spaces to demonstrate truth and falsehood; application of monochrome ink outlining (pai-miao) technique in figure creation. The techniques described in these chapters can be deployed to achieve profound representation of truth and transcends even reality. Keywords: Communication, Paralanguage, Emoticon


Communication Paralanguage Emoticon


5. (法)米.杜夫海納,《審美經驗現象學》,北京市:文化藝術出版社出
8. 李英明,《網路社會學》,台北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司,2000年
4. 林逸安,《中國繪畫創作的表現內涵與形式初探》,台北:台藝大造形藝


