  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王文誠




This paper aims to elucidate the process of transformation of model industry in Sinjhuang, after Mainland China opens its investment market. In order to understand the process of adjustment and inner transformation of industrial space of the model industry, the analysis is conducted basing on the theory of the governance of global value chains and relational assets This paper adopts Semistructured Interviews to obtain samples which consists of 17 model companies, 1 information-technology company. In response to environmental change, the value chain of model transformed from relational type to quasi-hierarchy type, and the value chain of products transformed from relational type to modular type. The proximity to Greater Taipei Area facilitates the innovation, promoted by cooperation between Sinjhuang’s model companies and IT industry in Taipei area. The intensive interactions between multi-type companies and academic organizations galvanize the innovation of technique. Furthermore,through the "Old-Sanchong" learning process the experience of model is handed down,and the regional relational-network enhances the sharing of technique and tacit knowledge, and gives rises to collective learning. The interaction between value chain and relational assets transforms the system of production and pattern of gaining tacit knowledge of Sinjhuang’s model industry. The benefit gained during transformation bolsters its position as a hotbed of innovation.


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