  • 學位論文


Action Research on Practical Intervention of Law-Related Education in Junior High Schools - illustrated by the Prevention of Sexual Harassment

指導教授 : 林安邦


本研究之主要目的,在探討運用由美國公民教育中心所發展的一套以強調「權威、隱私、責任、正義」等核心概念的法治教育課程,並以國中常見校園問題-「性騷擾防治」為教學題材,發展一套「性騷擾防治」法治教育課程,教學策略是「以學生為中心」,並強調「做中學」,實際進行課程教學,以了解其成效,以及學生對課程之滿意程度。 本研究係採行動研究法,研究對象採立意取樣方式,以研究者所任教之台北市某國中七年級一班學生31人為研究對象。本研究之法治教育課程教學,主要是每週二節課(共90分鐘),持續八週計十六節課。課程架構設計分為兩部分:前半段教學重點為法治教育的四個核心概念-「權威、隱私、責任、正義」,後半段則運用法治教育之核心概念以增進學生之性騷擾防治知能。 本研究為質性研究,其資料蒐集的方式有教學觀察、文件分析及訪談紀錄等。資料分析採內容分析法,並以「方法的三角檢核」、「資料的三角檢核」、「人員的三角檢核」三種檢核方法,來提高研究之信效度。研究結果顯示以下三點: 1. 法治教育課程實施,可以提升學生對「權威、隱私、責任、正義」等 法治概念之正確認知、正向態度及行為表現。 2. 應用法治教育四個核心概念,可以增進學生對「性騷擾」的自覺能力,並破除性騷擾迷思;明辨「權威」的正當性,以拒絕性騷擾;引導學生尊重「隱私」及捍衛「身體自主權」;使學生明白遭遇性騷擾時,應依循申訴管道勇敢求援,以捍衛「正義」;增進學生了解防治性騷擾的「責任」,包括被害人的舉證責任及旁觀者的社會責任。 3. 本套法治課程獲得學生高度的肯定(有81%的學生表示非常喜歡),其中學生最喜歡「演戲」、「玩遊戲」與「模擬法庭」三種教學方式。 4. 實施法治教育可促使教學相長、師生雙贏。 最後,研究者根據研究結果與教學省思,對「學校如何落實法治教育與性騷擾防治教育」、「法治教育之未來研究」等提出以下具體建議: 1. 學校可整合與法治教育相關教育議題,發展校本位課程。 2. 應舉辦教師專業成長活動,以提升教師法治教育教學知能。 3. 可延伸法治教育課程,落實在班級和校園生活中。 4. 結合家庭教育,親師合作推展法治教育。 5. 運用核心概念教學,整合各領域性騷擾防治教育。 6. 未來可增加研究對象、參與人數及研究時間,以提高研究之信效度。


The purpose of this research is to explore the effects of Law-Related Education in the prevention of sexual harassment in Junior High Schools. Law-Related Education was first theorized and developed by the Center for Civic Education in the United States and stresses four key concepts: authority, privacy, responsibility and justice. The proposed curriculum highlights a student-centered teaching strategy and emphasizes the critical importance of learning by doing. An evaluation of the curriculum’s effectiveness will be conducted by students who attend the program. The methodology of this intervention will be based on Action Research with the targets being purposely sampled from the Junior High School that the researcher is currently employed to teach in. A total of 31 targets will be selected to participate with all of the participants being 7th graders and current students of the researcher. The proposed curriculum will be taught twice a week. Each session will be held for 45 minutes for a total of 90 minutes a week. According to the aforementioned schedule, the course will continue on out for 8 weeks for a total of 16 sessions. The structure of the course will be divided into 2 halves: the first half of the course educates students on the four key concepts of Law-Related Education (authority, privacy, responsibility and justice), while the second half focuses primarily on the practical application of such concepts in the prevention of sexual harassment. This intervention will be defined as a qualitative research with its information gathered from observation records, document analysis and interview records. The subsequent analysis and its conclusions will be reached using content analysis and validated by methodological triangulation, data triangulation and investigator triangulation to increase the research’s reliability and validity. The research shows: 1.The practical intervention of Law-Related Education in Junior High Schools effectively increases the student’s awareness and understanding of the curriculum’s four key concepts (authority, privacy, responsibility and justice) and equips students with the adequate judicial knowledge, the positive attitude and the correct behavior to properly handle such issues. 2.The application of the four key concepts of Law-Related Education increases the student’s self awareness to issues evolving around sexual harassment and effectively dislodges common sexual harassment myths. A clear recognition of authority empowers the students to stand up and say no to sexual harassments. A sound understanding and respect for privacy empowers the students to defend and protect their body autonomy. An appreciation for justice gives students the courage to combat sexual harassment and the courage to speak up and look for help. An awareness of responsibility informs students of the responsibilities that they hold as law abiding citizens to any civilized nation – the responsibility that the burden of proof lies with the victim and the social responsibilities of witnesses. 3.This curriculum was very well received by its participants (81% expressed that they enjoyed the course very much). More specifically, the students found “acting”, “playing games” and “courtroom simulations” to be most enjoyable. 4.Teacher and students can be benefited from LRE course. Lastly, according to the intervention’s results and its subsequent reflection, the researcher further documents concrete recommendations toward the application of Law-Related Education in the prevention of sexual harassment and the future of Law-Related Education. 1.Law-Related Education can be a school’s theme course. 2.Teachers must promote LRE teaching methods. 3.LRE course should be practiced in classrooms and campus. 4.LRE course can combine with family education. 5.Using the key concept teaching method can intergrate the prevention of sexual harassment. 6.In the futher, other research can raise research targets, workers and time, in order to increase the research’s reliability and validity.




