  • 學位論文


A study on the color correcting technique of high dynamic range displays based on color appearance model

指導教授 : 周遵儒


本研究提出一個高動態範圍(High Dynamic Range,HDR)合成影像的色彩校正與顯示影像色外貌色彩修正方法。研究重點可分為二個部份,第一部份為對合成後影像進行色彩校正,利用不同曝光程度GretagMacbeth色票影像之色彩建立不同明暗度色彩分布的模型,再以二次多元迴歸計算的方式估計合成後影像色彩校正矩陣,透過校正矩陣對合成後影像色彩進行調整。最後,利用CIECAM02色外貌模式(Color Appearance Model,CAM)調整顯示器上所呈現影像的色彩,使得影像可以隨著不同環境光源的變化而模擬人眼色適應後的色彩修正結果,讓經色外貌模式調整後的影像與環境光源改變後所擷取的影像能達到色外貌一致的目的。


In this proposal we develop the color correcting technique of high dynamic range displays based on color appearance model. This research includes two major topics: Firstly, The GretagMacbeth color checker was used to evaluate the color distortions of images captured by a camera under various exposure levels. These camera distortion characteristics were modeled and estimated by the color calibration matrix with multiple regression analysis. Secondly, the CIECAM02 will be modified to develop the method of illuminant simulation and color correction in the compositing image.


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