  • 學位論文


The Impact of Multiple Representations on Human Circulatory System learning of Vocation High School Students with Hearing Impairment

指導教授 : 邱美虹


本研究以多重表徵教學為基礎,發展循環系統概念改變教學。探討多重表徵教學與傳統講述教學在循環系統概念診斷式紙筆測驗答題正確率之差異,同時進行半結構式晤談並結合概念改變教學歷程事件分析,以深入瞭解學生循環系統概念的建構與改變情形。研究採用準實驗研究法,研究對象為四班聽障高職學生,分別為兩組,一組為實驗組20 人,以多重表徵教學;一組為控制組20 人,施以傳統講述教學。 由比較循環系統概念診斷測驗結果以及血液循環研究相關論文,可以得知聽障高職生與聽人學生的迷思概念差異不大。由循環系統概念紙筆測驗答題結果也顯示出,實驗組的答題正確性式明顯優於控制組,無論是在心臟、血管、血液、循環途徑題目;在結構、功能、行為、機制題目或是在過程與物質本體概念題目,其概念改變成效皆優於控制組,且於學習後仍持續進步。 在心智模式演變歷程與分佈方面,本研究經由血液循環紙筆測驗及晤談七位學生,得到聽障學生的心智模式可分為七類:未形成模式、發散式、單循環、雙循環、多循環、類科學、科學等模式。實驗組在教學後,其心智模式傾向於正確化,且種類趨於收斂;反之,控制組在教學後,其心智模式總類反而趨於發散和多樣化。研究也發現,學生最後會形成之心智模式除了會受到教學影響之外,也會受到學生所持有的初始心智模式的影響。 本研究從多元面向探討聽覺障礙高職生其血液學還概念之心智模式類型及概念改變情形,研究成果可作為課程設計者、科學教師們、科學教育學者之參考。


This research developed a human circulatory system conceptual change course, based on the theory of multiple representations. This research investigates the difference between multiple representations and conventional methods through the human circulatory system concept diagnostic instrument (HCSCDI). In addition, the experimental group’s change in mental model was analyzed from the data collected in the process of learning events as well as in the pre-, post- , retention HCSCDI and semi-structured interviews. This research adopted a quasi-experimental design. Four 12th-grade classes were recruited, 2 classes (a total of 20 students) served as the experimental group under the multiple representations teaching system, the remaining 2 classes (a total of 20 students) served as the control group under the conventional system. By comparison the results of HCSCDI with many human circulatory system papers,we knows that the misconceptions of hearing impaired and hearing students are very similarly. The results from the analysis of HCSCDI demonstrate that the answer correctness of the experimental group are significantly better than the answer correctness of the control group , and they also showed continuous progress afterwards. In the aspect of the distribution and change of mental models, based on the analysis of HCSCDI and semi-structured interviews,we get seven types of human circulatory system: non-model、radiate model、uni-circulatory model、multi- circulatory model、bi- circulatory model、similar science model、science model. After multiple representations teaching, the mental models of the experimental group will close to correct model, and the kinds of mental models will tend to convergence. Otherwise, the kinds of mental models of the control group will tend to divergence and diversification. This research also find that the mental models of students can not only affect by teaching methods but also by the initial models that the students have. In this research, the mental model types and concept change about human circulatory system of vocation high school students with hearing impairment are explored in multidimensional ways. Research results are proposed with reference available for academic course designers, science teachers and scholars of science education.


邱美虹(2000)。 概念改變研究的省思與啟示。科學教育學刊,8(1),1-34。


