  • 學位論文


Pothos - Huang, Hsiao-Ling’s Creation of Inks and Colors Painting

指導教授 : 黃士純


傳統水墨畫講究「外師造化,中得心源」,一直是創作的經典準則;現代水墨畫融入技法的實驗性與內容的多元性,開拓出多采多姿的創作空間。本創作研究以「黃金葛」這種校園植物的寫生開始,從物像的觀察描繪著手,並透過文獻、期刊、畫家、畫論、畫冊等資源探討中國畫的審美精神及當代的藝術思想,以人的需求理論、心靈的自由為發展核心,逐步形成個人創作的發展脈絡。 創作內容以「黃金葛」藤蔓植物為主,配合景物及人體,以象徵生命力、謙虛、卑微、忍耐、陽光性、欣欣向榮、情感糾葛、纏繞、連綿不絕…等意涵,在水墨方面使用傳統筆墨及半自動技法,在膠彩方面使用礦物顏料及貼箔技法,把心中所感所想產生的意象具體呈現出中國水墨畫作之美。 筆者現任教於國中美術班,此創作研究在校園隨時可展開並教學相長,從微觀中品察生活的趣味,進而實驗創作。藝術是把人類生態化為審美對象的創造,人類生態、美學、創造的發展過程是本研究探索的重點。


黃金葛 水墨畫 膠彩畫 意象 需求理論


The traditional ink painting pays attention to "outward learn toward the great universe, to inside work hard to consider", having been the classic standard of the creations; The modern ink painting integrates the experiment of the skill method and the diverse of the content, expanding the colorful creations space. This creations research starts with the sketch of this kind of campus plant of "Pothos", the appurtenance is like of the observation description begins, and through reference, periodical, painter, the painting theory, album of paintings etc. the resource study Chinese painting appreciates beauty the art thought of the spirit and contemporary, taking the freedom of the person's need theories, mind as to develop the core, gradually becoming personal development grain of creations. Creating the content regards "Pothos" turnip plants as principle, matching with the scenery and human body, with the symbol vitality, condescension, humble, endure patiently, sunlight, grow luxuriantly flourishing, emotion quarrel, tie up to round, the continuous not unique … etc. meaning, uses the traditional Chinese brush-pen and the half auto skill method in the ink painting, in the Gouache painting aspect usage mineral pigment and post the screen skill method, heart in the output idea concretely presents beautiful Chinese ink painting that feeling think. The writer is incumbent to teach in the art class in the junior high school, this creations research can launch and learn while teaching at any time in the campus, observing the living interest from the tiny view, further starting experiment the creations. The art is the creation that changes into mankind's ecosystem to appreciate beauty the object, the development process of mankind's ecosystem, esthetics, creation is the point of this research quest.


1. 吳寛生《水墨人體繪畫》山東美術出版社,濟南市,2007年。
2. 王書杰《中國傳統繪畫材料技法》河南美術出版社,鄭州市,2006年。
3. 史蒂芬.柯維著,殷文譯《第八個習慣:從成功到卓越》天下遠見出版,2006年。
4. 余秋雨《藝術創造論》天下遠見出版股份有限公司,台北市,2006年。
