  • 學位論文


Effects of ETR Reading Strategy on Chinese Reading Comprehension

指導教授 : 邱貴發


本研究旨在檢核ETR閱讀策略對於華文閱讀理解之影響,並且分析不同中文程度之學習者在閱讀課程時,使用該策略,其使用行為與態度是否具有差異。本研究參與對象為國內語言中心選修「初級中文閱讀」及「中級中文閱讀」兩個班級之學生,各挑選三個單元進行實驗,在課程教學中,實施ETR閱讀策略,透過師生問答之方式進行教學,以期整合參與者之背景知識與經驗與課文內容,建構對單元內容的知識架構;該策略可分為經驗連結(Experience)、課文教學(Text)以及關係聯繫(Relationship)三個階段,其中在經驗連結及關係聯繫兩階段,學生需登入Moodle教學平台討論區回答問題,以記錄並保留回答內容。 本研究結果發現:(1)在閱讀理解能力之提升,中級中文閱讀班級在使用ETR閱讀策略後,前後測成績進行成對樣本T檢定後,達統計上的顯著差異。(2)分析其回答內容,初級閱讀班級在建構個人的知識中,產生六種的回答組合,在回答的內容中,由開始僅保留個人經驗與課文內容,隨著實驗進行到第二、三單元後,開始能夠在內容中,延伸其他的概念;而中級中文閱讀班級,則於實驗進行的三個單元,都能綜整個人經驗、課文內容,並且延伸其他概念。(3)在使用行為與態度中,初級中文閱讀班級答題情況會取得現有的資訊(例如同學的答案、課本內容)作為答題的依據;而中級中文閱讀班級較能傾向透過同學討論的方式,產出個人的想法(4)最後兩班實驗班級皆同意透過問答之方式,能有效提升個人閱讀理解能力,並持正向的態度,願意再使用ETR閱讀策略進行學習。


The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of ETR reading strategy on Chinese reading comprehension and to analyze the differences of participants’ learning behaviors and attitudes between two different levels of CFL learners. The participants are Taiwan language center’s students who take the courses named “Beginning Chinese Readings” and “Intermediate Chinese Readings”. We chose three units to proceed the experiment and carried out the ETR (Experience-Text-Relationship) reading strategy into the class. Throughout the discussion, we anticipate the participants could integrate their background knowledge, experiences, and the text to construct their framework of knowledge. The ETR reading strategy is divided into three steps, which are Experience, Text and Relationship. The participants logged in the forum of Moodle (LMS) to answer the questions in order to keep and retain the replies in the Experience and Relationship sequence. According to the experiment results, there are four findings as follow. (1) In the promotion of reading comprehension ability, the difference of pretest and posttest is statistically significant after the implementation of ETR reading strategy. (2) According to the analysis of their replies, the participants of Beginning Chinese Readings create six types of answer, and the participants just retain their experience and text at the beginning. In the unit2 and unit3, they could create more different ideas about the topic; however, the participants of Intermediate Chinese Reading could combine personal experiences, text and extend other concepts in the three units. (3) Viewing the learning behaviors and attitudes, we find the participants of Beginning Chinese Readings took the available information (eg, other participants’ answers or the ideas of texts); nevertheless, the participants of Intermediate Chinese Readings tended to discuss with their classmates before answering the questions. (4) Two classes both agreed the ETR reading strategy could promote their reading comprehension ability with positive attitude, and they are all willing to use this reading strategy to learning Chinese reading courses.


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