  • 學位論文


Correlations of parental attitudes towards English learning with parental expectation, involvement and children's English achievement: A case study in Taipei's Wanhua and Da'an Districts

指導教授 : 張武昌 張鑑如


本研究旨在研究父母的英語學習態度及父母英語學習態度對其子女的英語教育參與、期望以及子女的英語成就之相關。本文中的父母英語學習態度包含父母對英語學習的容易度感受以及對英語學習的整體感受。 本研究採立意取樣,共有三百名來自萬華區及大安區六所國小的六年級學生家長參與本研究之問卷作答,問卷所得資料以描述統計及皮爾遜績差相關法進行分析。學生的英語成就為教師提供之學生九十七學年度下學期的期末英語成績,標準化為T分數後進行分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 1. 整體而言,萬華區及大安區的父母英語學習態度大致相似。在英語學習的整體感受上,萬華與大安區的父母大致上都持有正面態度,但在英語學習的容易度感受方面,多數仍覺得學習英語是有困難的。而英語學習環境、練習環境以及應用環境是多數父母在學習英語的過程中最需要的;而聽力、口說、寫作以及文法則是父母認為最困難的部分。 2. 父母的英語學習態度與子女的英語成就間有顯著正相關。 3. 父母英語學習態度及父母對子女英語教育的期望間有顯著正相關。 4. 父母英語學習態度及父母對子女英語教育的參與間存有顯著正相關外,父母的英語能力不足以及孩子對於英語的學習意願及動機是父母在參與孩子英語教育時的兩大重要困難。而父母的英語能力不足以及缺少時間是影響父母參與子女英語教育時的兩大重要因素。 根據本研究之研究結果,做出以下建議。有關當局及學校單位可提供父母英語學習機會,不但可提昇父母英語程度,更可以父母進一步因有能力而參與子女之英語學習。父母與學校老師間夥伴關係的建立可以幫助孩子的英語學習,父母有意義的參與子女學習對於子女學習幫助更大。此外,父母也可以創造與子女一起共學英語的機會,不僅可增加自身能力也可了解孩子的學習困難。


The aim of this study was to investigate parental attitudes towards English learning, and to investigate its correlations with (a) children’s English academic performance, (b) parental expectation of children’s English education, (c) parental involvement in children’s English education. Parental attitudes towards English learning in this study included (a) parents’ feelings of ease about English learning and (b) parents’ overall feelings about English learning. The thesis considered a sample size of 300 parents of six graders from thirteen classes in six elementary schools in Taipei’s Wanhua District and Da'an District. The participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire, and their children’s English scores were provided by their teachers. Descriptive statistics and Pearson Correlation were used to analyze the questionnaire. Children’s English scores were standardized and transformed into T-scores. The major findings of this study were as follows 1. Parental attitudes towards English learning were similar in Wanhua District and Da'an District. Parents had positive attitudes towards English learning but in whole, they considered that learning English is not easy. In addition, the environment to learn English, to practice English or to use English was what parents needed most during the process of learning English as a foreign language. Listening, speaking, writing, and grammar were the most difficult parts for parents to learn. 2. There was a positive correlation between parental attitudes towards English learning and children’s English academic performance. 3. There was a positive correlation between parental attitudes towards English learning and parental expectation of children’s English education. 4. Parental attitude towards English learning was positively correlated with parental involvement in children’s English education. In addition, when instructing their children’s English schoolwork, most parents had the problems of their low English proficiency level, children’s lack of motivation and the lack of English learning environment for children. In addition, parents’ low English proficiency level and lack of time were two main factors that influenced parents’ involvement in children’s English education,. The results of the study suggested that English learning accesses and opportunities should be provided by government authorities or schools in order to promote parents’ English proficiency level and to get parents involved in their children’s English education. Second, the partnership between teachers and parents should be enlisted in children’s English education, especially meaningful involvement. Finally, for parents, they may create the opportunities for English learning by learning English with their children. Parents’ mature cognition may help facilitate children’s English education.


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English References
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