  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何清輝 董澤平


觀察現有的兒童美術補習班,從軟體方面的師資、教學內容到硬體的空間佈置、識別設計,得知多數採取獨自經營的傳統方式,運作經營多為創辦人個人意志去執行;所以意圖導入管理、行銷、策略等理論,施行在學校體制外的兒童美術教育機構,本研究重點放在品牌識別的經營,讓原有良好的服務與教學口碑,得以產生較為具體且易辨識的傳播行為,有助未來擴大連鎖經營規模及延伸相關服務的發展空間。 導入品牌的概念來突顯核心的價值,以設計行為去推廣美術教育的理念,並透過識別系統來進行消費者的溝通,激勵其信心與忠誠度。參照兒童繪畫發展理論的架構,實踐於教學的同時,除呈現出其教育理念、專業能力、形象特色,還必須兼顧市場競爭力的提昇,實務上使用管理的方法進行視覺設計的規劃,推廣上相對比較務實與具體。 最後,本研究將以品牌視覺創作來呈現概念,取實際個案進行規劃設計,從基本識別元素的規範制定到實際應用項目的開展;旨在理論研究基礎下進行創作,試圖透過有效、切合的品牌視覺設計,達到提高其價值的實質效果,實現永續經營的願景,成為由團體智慧所建構的有機式、學習型組織,追求彈性、創新與較佳的環境適應力。


After visiting certain art schools for children, we found most of them are individual-based and the way of their operation are still very traditional, in terms of their teaching resources, teaching materials, and designs of interior space and of brand identities. Hence, in this study we try to apply theories of management, marketing and strategies into the business of art education organizations which are not within the formal educational system. The focus of this study is the management of brand identity of art schools, and by means of it, we aim to make their brand image more functional and recognizable, which can in turn promote their good service and reputation, and increase the future marketing superiority for extending their service and establishing new branches. In order to highlight the core values of educational organizations, the idea of brand image is introduced to the art education organization practices. Through the activities of designing, organizations can promote their basic ideas about teaching art and become more visible and comprehensible to potential customers. Once, the recognition system of the company identity and brand image established, educational organizations may increase the confidence and loyalty of customers as well. It is important to note that while putting the framework of theories of children painting development into teaching practices, the main tasks include not only to present the idea of education, the profession and distinguishable feature of the education organization but also to increase the marketing competition. In practice, the adoption of visual design into the management of brand image and identity is more practical and functional when it comes to marketing and promotion. Finally, this study will present an artwork of visual design of brand to show the whole idea with a case study, demonstrating the overall process of planning, from the basic elements of identity to the application items. The aim of this study is to carry out creation of art work based on the ground of theories, trying to enhance the effect of brand image by proper designing to achieve sustainable development of educational organizations. Through management of collaborative effort, it will become an organic, self-learning organization with flexibility, innovation and environmental adaptability.


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Keller, K. L.(1993),Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based
Philip Kotler and G. Alexander Rath(1984),Design:A powerful but Neglected Strategy tool,Journal of Business Strategy,Vol.5,16-21。
