  • 學位論文


The studies of Taiwan sports documentary feature-Take examples for “Jump! Boys” and “Attitude”

指導教授 : 林伯修




In Taiwan, Little literature has been published on sports movie in the past, in recent years, an increasing number of studies have been investigating sports movie. However a number of studies have been conducted using sports drama as subjects, little research has been done on sports documentary, it is quite different from documentary and drama, the drama had very little to do with reflecting real life, the documentary may have been a more real and authentic than drama, so the research has tended to focus on sports documentary, rather than on sports drama, the researchers try to analysis the implications in the sports documentary “Jump! Boys” and “Attitude” with classical paradigm, Greimas` s semes and semiology, after analyzing, the researchers figure out those two are documentary feature and it reflected encouragement and victory on the archive, although they were called documentary, actually these two were more like drama, then women was not main subject in the film, last, the researchers noticed that the fever of “Jump! Boys”, ball-player becomes more like celebrity and commercialization in “Attitude”.


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