  • 學位論文


The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) instruction model promotion: The case of junior high school physical education teachers

指導教授 : 掌慶維


本研究旨在瞭解過去曾參與「理解式教學工作坊」的國中培訓教師,在實務上的推展情形與所面臨的問題有哪些?以做為未來推展理解式教學之參考。研究對象:曾參加95、96、97年度「理解式教學工作坊」之國中體育教師(N=53)。研究方法:採質量併行方式進行研究,其工具有「國中理解式教學工作坊培訓教師之教學推展現況調查問卷」與「國中理解式教學工作坊培訓教師之教學推展現況調查訪談大綱」。資料分析:(一)問卷部分:正式問卷共回收51份,回收率96.2%,所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數來進行描述性統計分析。(二)訪談部分:將訪談逐字稿加以編碼、歸納、分析,並與問卷結果做交叉比對分析。依據上述方法,得到以下結果: 一、在課程與教學的現況方面:(1)51位培訓教師對TGfU的教學理念,均抱以肯定之態度。目前實施率為 62.7%;而未能實施者有37.3%,其原因為:課程編排無法配合、場地器材不足、學校行政支持度低、欠缺評量方法與評量標準,以及班級配合度低。(2)所採用的教材以籃、排、羽、棒/壘為主,多數教師均符合理解式之教學流程,另在引導小組討論的部分亦能勝任,惟在提問技巧的掌握上與設計各項球類教學內容上,仍需在加強與學習。(3)在教學評量上,僅進階培訓教師的評量有符合多元性與真實性,且有使用修改後之GPAI。另外,由於多數初階培訓教師不熟悉評量的方法、標準與GPAI評量工具,因此有些初階教師並沒有進行教學評量。(4)同類型球類課程之編排,因學校有其行事與行政上的考量,因而無法配合。此外,場地器材與輔助教具呈現也不足之現象,其影響教學之成效與品質。 二、培訓教師知覺學生的學習成效方面:(1)學生在「學習動機、學習熱忱、瞭解球類比賽規則、思考與做決定、合作學習、溝通與傾聽、戰術理解、戰術執行」等學習成效上均有所提升。(2)學生在「動作技能」的學習成效上較無明顯提升。 三、培訓教師任職學校行政支援方面:(1)向學校申請購置器材與輔助教具的經費補助情況不佳。(2)學校之教務處、體育組長、體育教師同仁的支持度仍有提升的空間,因多數皆為心理上的支持,並無教學上實質的協助,長期而言將大幅降低培訓教師之施教意願與教學熱忱。 四、培訓教師所遇之困難與問題方面:(1)因受訓時數不足,因而在非專長球類項目的教學內容的設計上,其能力不足。(2)教學準備與比賽說明相當耗時,以及教學評量費時費力。(3)場地與單元教學時數不足,以及每週分開的2節體育課,不利於理解式教學之實施與推展,其影響教師教學成效與學生學習成效甚深。 五、培訓教師對日後推展所提之改善與建議方面:(1)定期舉辦分區之進初階研習與教學觀摩,以精進教學。(2)發展簡易評量表格與評量標準,並簡化GPAI評量工具。(3)對於推廣有功及積極參與之教師,給予記功嘉獎等實質鼓勵,以吸引更多體育教師願意投入理解式教學。(4)架設理解式教學網路平台,上傳各項球類之完整教案。(5)薦請推展單位與縣市教育局合作,共同規劃推展,並由縣市教育局發文至各校派員參加,讓更多體育教師接觸理解式教學,藉以達到理解式教學之普及化。


The purpose of the study was to understand how teachers promoted the TGfU instruction model at junior high school after participating professional development workshops. The study attempted to show the situations and find out some practical promotion problems in order to facilitate the TGfU promoting process in the future. There were fifty-three (N=53) junior high school physical education teachers as participants of this study, who had participated the professional development workshop in year 2006, 2007, and 2008. The survey was conducted by a questionnaire and followed by interview. The questionnaire data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, and mean of descriptive statistic analysis and the interviews data were transcribed to verbatim. Based on the descriptive methods above, the following results were obtained: 1.Current situation of curriculum and teaching: (1) The 51 training teachers were affirmative to the TGfU instruction model and among 62.7% of them were implementing this teaching strategy. The reasons of opposite condition were lack of coordination of teaching programmed arrangement, facility, and equipment insufficiency, lack of support of school administration, lack of assessment methods and standards, and the low adaptability in classes. (2) The teaching contents were focusing on basketball, volleyball, badminton, and baseball/soft ball. The most of teachers were qualified in TGfU teaching sequences and also competent in group-guided discussion. Training teachers still needed to strengthen in the inquiry skill and designing in each ball game domain-knowledge. (3) In the teaching assessment, only advanced training teachers had variety and authenticity in their teaching and used revised GPAI as an assessment instrument. Moreover, most of entry-level training teachers were not familiar with the GPAI assessment instrument and standard, few entry-level teachers did not assess teaching evaluation. (4) Arrangement of the same type ball games course, because the school had its administration's consideration, thus the school was unable to coordinate. In addition, lacking of facility, equipment, and auxiliary teaching aids resulted in ineffective teaching outcomes and quality. 2.Aspect of training teachers perceiving learning outcome of students: (1) Students had increased learning outcomes in “the learning motivation, learning passion, understanding ball games rule, pondering and decision making, cooperative attitude, communication and listening attentively, tactic understanding, and tactical execution”. (2) Students had no significant learning improvement in “motor skill”. 3.Aspect of training teachers serving in school administration: (1) Funding from schools on purchasing equipment and auxiliary teaching aids was lacking. (2) The school administration office, director of department of physical education, and other physical education teachers should show more support to colleagues to the training teachers. Most of support showed was psychological support not substantive assistance in teaching, this led training teachers lose willingness and passion to teach. Change agents and change agencies could play a crucial role in these promoting processes. 4.Difficulty and issues that training teachers met: (1) Due to insufficient hours received during workshop, the ability of content design in non-specialty ball games was inadequate. (2) Teaching preparation, explanation of competition, and explanation of competition took too much time. (3) Insufficient facility availability, hours of unit, and two separated physical education classes each week did not favor implementation and promotion of the understanding type teaching. It affected the teachers’ teaching outcomes and students’ learning outcomes greatly. 5.Suggestions for future improvement from training teachers: (1) conducting different levels of workshops and teaching observations regularly in each district to strive teaching. (2) Developing simple assessment charts and standard and simplifying GPAI assessment tools. (3) Acknowledgement and award merit should be given to teachers who were active in promoting of TGfU in order to attract more physical education teachers to invest the understanding type teaching. (4) Constructing the understanding type teaching platform and uploading the complete lesson plan of each ball game. (5) Recommending promoting units cooperates and plans with Bureau of Education in County or City, and dispatching an official letter by the Bureau of Education to various schools to invite people to participate. Let more physical education teachers acquaint the understanding type teaching, so that the understanding type teaching could be wide spread.




