  • 學位論文


The Analytical Research of Life and Literature Creativity of Yuanli’s Intellectual , Chen Hu.

指導教授 : 廖振富教授


本論文以櫟社文人陳瑚及其文學創作探析為題,以既有文獻以及新出土史料為研究素材,初編陳瑚生平年表以世人。另就已集結出版之陳瑚作品集、散落未集結之詩文作品等,分析陳瑚詩文作品內涵之意識形態與文學精神。另外,筆者經由陳瑚寄予傅錫祺之往來書札史料之內文探析,期望還原陳瑚的真實生活與人際網絡,藉以建構臺灣傳統文人面貌。 依此,本論文分為六章論述,第一章緒論為通篇論述,包括研究緣起、材料、方法、相關研究文獻探討,最後簡述論文架構。第二章詳述文人生平及社會活動足跡,並進一步初編陳瑚生平年表,附錄於論文後,以期建置完整之生命面貌。第三章以陳瑚寄予傅錫祺之書札做為研究素材,包括書函以及明信片數封,將此書札內文逐一讀文、詮釋意涵,藉以重現文人之生活面貌與人際網絡,記錄大時代變局下之文人足跡。第四章為陳瑚詩作、散文意涵詮釋,並就陳瑚作品已出刊、散落未集結、刊登報刊雜誌之詩文廣泛收集,初步建置整理附錄於論文後。第五章為結論,分就陳瑚的人生態度及其多元角色面向,歸納本論文之大要,以貫穿各章節脈絡,最後,陳述本論文未來研究展望,以歸納做一總結。 總結而言,本論文以陳瑚生平年表編列及其文學創作探析為題,從歷史脈絡、文化史角度關注陳瑚一生,將視角放諸大時代環境之政治、社會、文學、文化活動等面向,真實呈現陳瑚其人其事,提供後人重新認識此文人風貌。


陳瑚 櫟社 臺灣傳統文學


The topic of this dissertation is Li Poetry Society literati Chen Hu and his literary creations. Existing literature and newly discovered historical materials are used as research materials to compile a chart of events in the life of Chen Hu for posterity. In addition, published collections of works by Chen Hu and unpublished poems and texts are used to analyze the ideology and literary spirit of poetic works by Chen Hu. In addition, textual analysis of letters between Chen Hu and Fu Sichi is used to reconstruct the real life experiences and interpersonal connections of Chen Hu, in hopes of constructing a view of traditional Taiwanese literati. On this basis, this dissertation is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the overall discourse, including research motivation, materials, methods, related literature review, and a basic statement of the dissertation structure. Chapter 2 describes the lives of literati and the traces of their social activity, and a chart of Chen Hu’s life events is compiled and attached as an appendix to the dissertation, to create a holistic picture of his life. Chapter 3 is based on letters sent by Chen Hu to Fu Sichi, including several letters and postcards; texts of these letters are read and interpreted to re-create the life experiences and interpersonal networks of literati, and to record literati traces in a period of historical change. Chapter 4 interprets the meanings of Chen Hu’s poems and prose, by broadly collecting works by Chen Hu that have been published, previously uncollected, or published in newspapers and magazines, for an initial organization attached as an appendix to the dissertation. Chapter 5 is the conclusion, which summarizes the life attitudes and diverse roles played by Chen Hu, using major points to connect the trajectory of the chapters. Finally, possibilities for future research are discussed. In summary, this dissertation is based on the compilation of Chen Hu’s life experiences and his literary creations, and uses historical context and a cultural history perspective to consider the life of Chen Hu, then expands the inquiry to politics, society, literature, and cultural activities of the times, for a realistic representation of Chen Hu’s life and works, so that in the future people can understand this member of the literati.


