  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李忠謀


本研究探討我國研究生若透過資訊科技的輔助,每天花二十分鐘左右的時間使用電腦練習英文母音中常見的錯誤發音以及容易混淆的重音擺放問題,在兩週的訓練時間後,是否就能有效地改善這些問題? 實驗結果顯示大多學生認為本研究方法的確能增加更多練習機會,進而發現自己不曾注意的錯誤發音,也能夠更有自信地練習發音。另外透過測驗的結果也得知在兩個禮拜的訓練時間過後,英文常見的錯誤發音能有顯著的進步與改善。本研究方法能將訓練成效轉移至未曾學習過的單字,而且訓練成效能維持長期(一個月)的時間。


電腦輔助 英文 發音 固化


This study aimed to investigate whether Taiwanese graduate students could efficiently correct English pronunciation problems after two-week training period by using computers to practice common English vowel problems and word stress. Following quantitative and qualitative analysis, the research resulted in the following observations: 1) The method of this study would bring more opportunity for practicing English pronunciation. 2) Students could be noticed the pronunciation errors which they did not pay attention to before. 3) Learners’ English pronunciation did appear to improve in two weeks. 4) The impact of training could transfer to the new words that is never learned and could persist for about one month.


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[6] 吳鳳翔(民97):資訊科技工具應用於國中英語教學與口語練習之分析探討。國立政治大學碩士論文
[2] Ambra, N. (2008). The effectiveness of computer assisted pronunciation training for foreign language learning by children. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21(5).
[3] Chiu, T. L., Liou, H. C., & Yeh, Y. (2007). A Study of Web-Based Oral Activities Enhanced By Automatic Speech Recognition for EFL College Learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(3), 209-233.
[4] Golge, S. (2005). Improving students' pronunciation through accent reduction software. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(2), 303-316.
