  • 學位論文

獨立選民的類型、政治行為與態度- 以台灣2008年總統選舉為例

The Types of Independent Voters and Their Political Behaviors and Attitudes: The Case of Taiwan’s 2008 Presidential Election

指導教授 : 王中天


本研究主要目的在探討我國獨立選民的類型、政治行為與態度。將獨立選民分成兩類,一類為「純粹獨立選民」(pure independents),另一類為「偏向特定政黨的獨立選民」(independent leaners)。透過人口背景、政治參與及政治態度等變項,找出兩類獨立選民的差異。接著,用相同的變項比較政黨認同者(Partisans)與偏向特定政黨的獨立選民,以進一步了解偏向特定政黨的獨立選民是否可視為隱性的政黨認同者。 本研究採用二手資料分析法,以2008年總統選舉TEDS所作出的資料進行實證分析,使用的統計方法為次數分配、交叉分析以及卡方檢定等。經統計分析後有下列幾點主要的發現: 一、與純粹獨立選民相較,偏向政黨的獨立選民,在年齡上較年輕、教育程度較高、在收入上也較高與純粹獨立選民則剛好相反。 二、在政治態度與政治行為上,偏向特定政黨的獨立選民對政治議題、候選人、討論政治、政治意見表達等,回答較具體,也對事物的答案較具自我認知。 三、偏向特定政黨的獨立選民是具有政治效能感的一群選民,而純粹獨立選民則對一切政治事務都呈現出極為冷漠的態度。 四、政黨認同者較偏向特定政黨的獨立選民對政治要投入許多,兩者在行為、意見、態度或觀點上即便偏向雷同,在強度上也會有顯著性的差異。


The purpose of this research is to confer with the types, political behaviors and attitudes of “independent voters” in Taiwan. This research tries to classify independent voters into two categories, one is “pure independents” and the other “independent leaners”. This study first employs variables like demographic backgrounds, Political Participation and Political Attitude to find out the differences between the two types of Independent Voters. Then, the independent leaners are compared with the partisans to test the thesis that leaners are actually partisans. With the help of the TEDS 2008P, this study applies statistical tools to conduct empirical research. Major research findings are as follows: 1. Compared with pure Independents, Independent Leaners were younger, with higher education and income. 2. Regarding Political Attitudes and Political behaviors, Independent Leaners, in contrast to pure independents, were more likely to have their own opinion on a variety of political issues. 3. Independent leaners showed higher degree of Political Efficacy and political involvement than the pure independents. 4. Compared with Partisans, Independent Leaners were more politically involved even though they shared similar point of views in many issues.


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