

本研究主要動機與目的,在探討技專校院推展科技素養教育之研究。為達成研究目的,本研究共分四個階段進行,首先透過文獻探討,其結果擬定深度訪談之內容,隨後針對主題,進行專家深度訪談,專家訪談結果,即進行第三階段研究,為德懷術第一次問卷,本研究共進行三次德懷術專家問卷,以達到專家凝聚共識為止。德懷術專家完成之問卷,將選取三部分中之題項,做為技專校院通識教育中心任課教師與學生之調查問卷來源。 在所有資料回收後,整合文獻探討、訪談資料、德懷術專家問卷、教師與學生調查問卷等,進行相關資料,單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析等之統計分析,並統整其結果,以做為技專校院推展科技素養教育之研究結論並提陳建議事項。 依據本研究之主要結論如下: 就科技素養教育的理念與價值層面而言:專家已獲共識外,教師會因性別、任教領域不同而有差異傾向,而學生則無差異傾向。 就科技素養教育的理論基礎層面而言:專家學者認為,科技乃發展人類調適系統知識與程序,以解決問題、擴展潛能,並創新生活價值;延續科技文化傳承。 就科技素養教育的實施目標層面而言:專家學者認為,教育目標為優質科技生活化、維護科技與生態平衡與傳承科技文化。課程目標為科技視野的擴展、科技倫理之建立、科技應用之規範與科技文化。 就科技素養教育的內涵課程層面而言:專家已獲共識外,教師則無差異傾向與學生會因就讀院系不同,而稍有差異傾向。全體統計結果,最重視的內涵課程為;科技與生活、科技與環境、科技與人文、科技倫理與價值、科技應用與道德等題項。 經本研究統計結果,推展科技素養課程的主要措施與結果為:(1)學校支持;(2)加強師資培育;(3)支援教材設計與設備規劃;(4)課程時數安排不宜太少;(5)科技素養課程宜納為獨立通識科目並應列為優先推動的措施;(6)科技素養通識課程內涵應配合不同領域學生的需求而具有選擇性;(7)科技素養課程內涵需符合現代科技社會生活的需要等題項。 依據上述研究之結論,若能加以重視,應可對技專校院推展科技素養課程,更為有所助益。


This study has focused on Technological literacy education in Universities/Colleges of Technology, research can be divided into four stages. First, we drew out the content of depth interview after going through a bibliographic survey. Second, we went on depth interviews with experts and made a draft of the Delphi Techniques uestionnaire.After that started the third stage, the first-time questionnaire survey of the Delphi Techniques. We carried out the Delphi Techniques questionnaire survey for three times in order to filter out the important themes. These themes were arranged into a draft of questionnaire for teachers and students in technology universities/colleges. With all the data of the bibliographic survey, the interviews, the Delphi Techniques questionnaires, and the questionnaire survey of teachers and students, we made one-samples T Test, independent-samples T Test,one-way ANOVA statistical analysis and got several conclusions, which, as we’ve hoped, could offer some suggestions to promoting technology cultivation education in technological universities /colleges. According to the result of the study: Beliefs and values on the Technological literacy education: excepting the coincidence of the experts’ opinions, there are differences between teachers (with variables of genders and teaching subjects) and there are no differences students. Theoretical basics on the Technological literacy education: as for those scholastic experts, science and technology help human beings to develop systematic knowledge and orders, to solve problems, to develop their latent abilities, to create new life values, and to pass on technological cultures. Goals on the Technological literacy education: as for those scholastic experts, goals of technology education are to embrace technological merits in our daily life, to obtain a balance between technological development and ecological cares, and to pass on technological cultures. Goals of curriculum are to expand our views of technology, to build technology ethics, and to set up rules of technological applications. Content curriculum on the Technological literacy education: excepting the coincidence of the experts’ opinions, there are no differences teachers and students with variables of majors. According to our statistical data, the most emphatic content curriculums are: Technology and Life, Technology and Environment, Technology and Humanities, Technological Ethics and Values, Technological Applications and Morals, etc. This study of the result, Conclusions in promoting technology literacy curriculums: (1) school supports; (2)To enhance teacher education; (3)To assist designs of teaching materials and equipment plans; (4)Fitting teaching hours; (5) Technology cultivation curriculums, regarded as distinctive, should be promoted with priority; (6) Technology cultivation curriculums should be alternative, coping with student’s needs; (7) Contents of technology cultivation curriculums should cope with the needs of modern social life. According to the result of this study,if the problems mentioned above were solved,on Technological literacy education in Universities/Colleges of Technology will have a more properous future.


