  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李田英


本研究調查臺北市八年級學生對科學的喜愛及與其相關之變項。採用調查研究法,以臺北市八年級學生為研究母群體。研究工具為自編之「八年級學生喜愛自然科學」量表,共有48題,問卷實測信度為Cronbach’s α = .94,效度以因素分析驗證建構效度,並經三位科學教育專家審查。共計發放1062份問卷,回收問卷1030份(回收率為97%)。資料分析包括描述性統計、Pearson積差相關、點二系列相關、逐步迴歸分析與複雜抽樣中的迴歸分析。研究結果如下:與學生「對科學的喜愛」成顯著相關的變項分別有:(1) 「自我效能」( r = .58 )、(2) 「學習環境氣氛」( r = .46 )、(3) 「家人對學習科學的支持」( r = .31 )、(4) 「科學教師的支持」( r = .45 )、(5) 「同儕互動」( r = .24 )、(6) 「家庭社經地位」( r = .17 )、(7) 「性別」( r = .12 )等七個變項。經由迴歸分析後,「自我效能」、「科學教師的支持」、「學習環境氣氛」、「家人對學習自然科學的支持」分別可解釋35%、8%、3%、2%的學生「對科學的喜愛」之變異量,四個變項合計可解釋48%的學生「對科學的喜愛」之變異量。研究建議如下:教師應多注意學生自我效能的發展,平時應多關心學生的學習情形與瞭解學生各方面的感受,以及多注意上課時的學習環境氣氛;由於本研究只調查臺北市的學生,學生家庭社經背景普遍比一般地區好,造成此變項解釋學生對科學的喜愛之變異量較低,建議可以研究其他非都會地區的學生,其家庭社經背景之差異對學生喜愛自然科學程度之影響。


Investigated were the eighth graders’ liking to science and its related variables. Survey research method was adopted. Sample was stratified selected from the eighth graders in Taipei City. Questionnaire was developed by the author. The questionnaire included 48 items and its reliability was .94 (Cronbach's α ). Factor analysis was run to verify its construct validity. The questionnaire had also been reviewed by three science education experts. A total of 1062 students were selected and 1030 answered the questionnaire. The returned rate was 97%. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product moment correlation, point-biserial correlation, stepwise regression analysis and general linear model of complex sample were run. Research findings were as follows: students’ liking to science was significantly related to seven variables: 1) "self-efficacy" (r = .58), 2) "learning environment atmosphere" (r = .46), 3) "family support for learning science" (r = .31), 4) " science teacher support for learning science " (r = .45), 5)" peer interaction " (r = .24), 6) " economic, social and culture status (ESCS) (r = .17) and 7) " gender " (r = .12). Regression analysis showed that the "self-efficacy", " science teacher support for learning science " , "learning atmosphere" and "family support for learning science" explained the variance of students’ liking to science 35%, 8%, 3% and 2% respectively. Totally 48% of variance was explained. Recommendations were as follows:1) teachers should pay more attention to the development of students’ self-efficacy, be more concerned about students’ learning, be more sensitive to the feelings of all students and pay more attention to classroom learning atmosphere; 2) since ESCS was not strong predictor in this study, more studies related to ESCS to students’ liking to science of Non-metropolitan area were suggested .


吳淑娟、段曉林(2000)。國中學生理化科學習動機面貌之個案研究。科學教育, 10,279-296。
李濟國(2001)。影響高中學生物理學習成就原因之探討。科學教育月刊,240, 21-30。


