  • 學位論文


Design of a Beginner-Level Chinese Language Textbook for Thai Students

指導教授 : 葉德明


近年來,泰國幾乎每一所大學院校開設中文系。民間的團體也成立了華語中心、華文補習班。因泰國華語熱門,造成學習者人數多,師資嚴重缺乏。目前有些大學的中文系,當學習者畢業之後,則給機會留校任華語教師。這些教師無教學的經驗,華語教學能力也比較薄弱。 劉珣(2006)指出「教材是總體設計的具體體現,反映了培養目標、教學要求、教學內容、教學原則;同時教材又是課堂教學和測試的依據」。因此,華語知識充足,但教學經驗缺少的小老師,在進行課程設計、課堂教學或教學評估的時候,需要有好的教材來引領。 以上所述之現況,引發了筆者對泰國華語教材的思考。因此,本研究的主要目的是規劃出符合泰國華語文教學之初級華語教材。本研究之過程,從蒐集相關的文獻、泰國華語教學與教材的現況及泰國學習者對華語教材的需求,再進行分析討論。之後製作初級華語教材範例,並將教材範例實際應用於教學中。試用之後,檢討本教材是否能提升泰國學習者華語聽說讀寫四個語言技能。最後提出編寫初級華語教材泰語版的建議。


In recent years, nearly every Thai university has developed a Chinese language program. Non-governmental organizations have also created Chinese language schools to meet demand for Chinese language instruction. The number of Thai students of Chinese within Thailand has multiplied due to the increasing popularity of Chinese studies; as a result of this development and the dearth of qualified Chinese teachers in Thailand, class sizes continue to increase. Currently, in numerous Thai universities, graduates within the Chinese department often choose to remain at the university and transition from being a student to being a professor. This situation is less than ideal, since such students typically do not possess the teaching experience or the requisite skills in the language to be successful professors. According to Liu Xun (2006), “Teaching is a concrete manifestation of overall design, which reflects objectives, teaching requirements, teaching content, and teaching principles; at the same time, teaching materials are the basis for classroom pedagogy and testing.” Therefore, even when a beginning teacher has sufficient knowledge of Chinese, his or her lack of experience with regard to curriculum design, classroom instruction, and assessment means that quality teaching materials will become all the more necessary. The circumstances described above led me to consider the nature of Chinese teaching materials in my country. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to design teaching materials for Thai students learning elementary Chinese. The research process is as follows: research into existing materials has fostered a deeper understanding of Chinese teaching in Thailand and the status quo of students needs with regard to Chinese learning materials. Moreover, the research delves into Chinese language teaching theories as well as the requisite resources used in the creation of said materials. Subsequently, the intent was to design teaching materials and merge them into a practical application during the actual teaching process. After applying the materials, the author reviewed the extent to which they aided in the enhancement of the Thai student’s four basic language skills in Chinese. Finally, the author has prepared a Thai version of the proposed materials.


Jack C. Richards(2003). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: The press Syndicate of The University of Cambridge.
Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. Rodgers (1986) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
Peter Chang, Alyce Mackerras, Yu Hsiu Chang(2007).Hanyu For Intermediate Students(Student’s book). Longman


