  • 學位論文


A Study of Academic Liberians Using Blog for Informal Continuing Education

指導教授 : 邱銘心


大學圖書館員是大學圖書館的重要資產,面對改變與自我成長需求甚於其他類型的圖書館員,需要繼續不斷的學習來充實自我。本研究的主題為探討大學圖書館員如何利用部落格進行非正式繼續教育以充實自我。研究主要目的在於獲知大學圖書館員應用於非正式繼續教育的部落格特質、探討部落格作為非正式繼續教育管道之優劣、在繼續教育中之定位、並確認部落格資訊對大學圖書館員工作生涯之影響。 本研究依據研究目的、研究問題及相關文獻探討的結果,設計研究所需分析架構,以質性研究深大學圖書館員是大學圖書館的重要資產,面對改變與自我成長需求甚於其他類型的圖書館員,需要繼續不斷的學習來充實自我。本研究的主題為探討大學圖書館員如何利用部落格進行非正式繼續教育以充實自我。研究主要目的在於獲知大學圖書館員應用於非正式繼續教育的部落格特質、探討部落格作為非正式繼續教育管道之優劣、在繼續教育中之定位、並確認部落格資訊對大學圖書館員工作生涯之影響。 本研究依據研究目的、研究問題及相關文獻探討的結果,設計研究所需分析架構,以質性研究深度訪談的方式蒐集研究資料。透過半結構式訪談大綱,訪談十二名持續使用部落格進行繼續教育的館員,了解館員採用部落格繼續非正式繼續教育的使用經驗與建議。 本研究之主要結果包括:大學圖書館員持續閱讀之部落格書寫型態多半為主題式寫作目的,館員工作性質決定其閱讀之部落格類型;館員認為部落格之優勢促使其持續使用部落格進行非正式繼續教育,而部落格之劣勢不影響他們的採用行為;部落格並非其繼續教育的唯一選擇,而是輔助吸收新資訊的管道,以及進一步學習的起源;大學圖書館員認為利用部落格繼續教育對其工作生涯分別有立即之幫助與長久之影響。 根據上述結果,本研究提出以下實務層面建議:大學圖書館應組織部落格資源、部落客應針對所寫內容適切分類、以及希冀國內圖書資訊學界人士投入部落格寫作行列。未來研究方向之建議則包括後續研究者可探討其他網路交流平台對圖書館員非正式繼續教育之影響、了解學科館員利用部落格非正式繼續教育之情形、以及針對不使用部落格非正式繼續教育的館員進行研究。


Academic librarians serve a crucial role in the academy library. However, they need to continue learning to enrich themselves more than other types of librarian. The main topic of this research is talking about how academic librarians use blogs to enrich themselves. The main purpose of the study is to acquire attributes of blogs that academic librarians use for continuing education, discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of the blogs which act as an informal continuing education channel, observe the role that blog plays in continuing education, and confirm how blogs improve an academic librarian's professional skills. According to the objective of this study, researcher used in-depth interviews method to interview twelve librarians who use blogs for continuing education based on analytical frameworks especially to understand their experiences when using these platforms. The results of this study found that academic libarians tend to read topical blogs which is specifically related to the field of academic interest for the librarian. Blogs have many advantages that attract librarians while the disadvantages do not affect their use. Blogs are not considered the only option of continuing education, it aids academic librarians to continue their path of education. Overall, blogs assists librarians not only for their short term projects but for their whole career life. Based on the findings, the study recommends that academy librarys should organize the blog resources, classify their content appropriately, and let the scholors of Library and Information Science write blogs to diffuse their knowledge. Suggestions for future research include discussion about other internet platforms influence of librarians for informal continuing education, discovery of the subject librarians how to use blogs to do informal continuing education, and to find why some librarians don’t use blogs for informal continuing education.




