  • 學位論文


The Impact of WOM Valence on Consumers’ Acceptance of e-WOM: The Moderating Effect of Product Type and Calculative Brand Commitment

指導教授 : 王仕茹


網際網路的進步和網路購物的盛行都讓網路口碑成了一個重要的指標,消費者在進行網路購物以及一般性購買時,常常會利用網路口碑來評估商品。有研究認為口碑方向會影響消費者對於口碑的接受程度,但是消費者對於何種口碑方向的接受度較大,學者們並未有個統一的定卓。另有學者認為,品牌承諾會導致正負面口碑的接受度,而East (2005)則認為品牌承諾對口碑資訊接受度這一關係上,應該加入產品類型這一變數。 本研究整合以上理論,加以考量Allen and Meyer (1990)的研究,在品牌承諾部分只探討其所提出的承諾三成分之中的計算型承諾,且在產品類型這一變數中使用San and Lerman (2007)在其研究中的分類,將產品分為享樂性產品及實用性產品。另外也基於Adaval (2001)、Gounaris (2005)和Jones, Reynolds, Mothersbaugh and Beatty (2007)等人的理論,本研究認為計算型承諾及產品類型會干擾不同方向的口碑資訊對口碑接受度的影響。 本研究為為2(產品類型:享樂性/實用性)×2(口碑方向:正面/負面)×2(計算型品牌承諾:高/低)的三因子實驗設計。在產品類型方面,使用家用型遊樂器來代表享樂性產品,家用型多功能事務機來代表實用性產品。口碑方向及計算型承諾皆採用操弄的方式。 實驗的結果顯示,相較於負面口碑,消費者傾向於接受正面口碑,而且計算型承諾確實會影響不同產品類型下的正負面口碑資訊接受度。本研究發現,當消費者購買享樂性產品時,計算型承諾會削弱其對正面口碑的接受程度;而當消費者購買實用性產品時,計算型承諾也會削弱負面口碑的接受程度。


With the progress of internet and the popularity of on-line shopping, Electronic word-of-mouth have become the important indicator in most people’s lives. Whenever they go on-line shopping or go off-line shopping, they rely on WOM to make purchase decisions. In the past, a lot of literatures discussed the valence of WOM, however, they have no agreement which valence would be better. Some literatures thought brand commitment would influence the acceptance of positive WOM and negative WOM. East (2005) thought the literatures of commitment and WOM should take product type into consideration. This study decided to integrate the literatures. This study based on the literatures of Sen and Lerman (2007), divided product type into hedonic product and utilitarian product, then considered the literatures of Allen and Meyer (1990), used the one of the commitment components, calculative commitment to our study. According to Adaval (2001), Gounaris (2005) and Jones, Reynolds, Mothersbaugh and Beatty (2007), this study considered that consumer’s calculative commitment and product types would moderate the impact of the valence of WOM on the acceptance of WOM. This study used three-factor experiment design: 2(product type: hedonic/ utilitarian)×2(WOM valence: positive/negative)×2(calculative brand commitment: high/low). This study used TV video game device as hedonic product and All-in-One printer as utilitarian product, and manipulated WOM valence and calculative brand commitment of these two products respectively. The result show that, compared with negative WOM, consumer would be more acceptable to positive WOM, and high calculative brand commitment would weak consumers’ acceptance to positive WOM of hedonic product and negative WOM of utilitarian product.


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