  • 學位論文


The Impact of Temporal Orientation, Experience Appeal and Argument Quality on Advertising of Self-referencing

指導教授 : 王仕茹


本研究探討經驗訴求如何影響論點品質在不同自我參照類型廣告中的說服效果,採2(回顧型自我參照/預期型自我參照) ×2(正面經驗/負面經驗) ×2(強論點/弱論點)受試者間實驗。三因子變異數分析的結果顯示自我參照類型、經驗訴求方向與論點品質存有三因子交互作用,其作用為:(1)無論在訴求正面經驗或是負面經驗的回顧型自我參照廣告中,強論點會比弱論點有更佳的說服力。(2)在訴求正面經驗的預期型自我參照廣告中,弱論點反而會比強論點有更佳的廣告說服力。(3)在訴求負面經驗的預期型自我參照廣告中,強論點會比弱論點有更佳的說服力。本研究提供了不同於以往關於自我參照時間面向研究的發現,並為實務界帶來了豐富的行銷意涵。


This research elaborates the impact of experience appeal and argument quality on the persuasion of self-referencing advertisements. The authors conducted a three-factor between-subject factorial experimental design, namely 2 (retrospective/ anticipatory self-referencing) × 2 (positive/negative experience) × 2 (strong/weak argument). Results from analysis of variance suggest that there exists an temporal orientation of self-referencing × experience appeal ×argument quality interaction effect. The results show that (1) for retrospective self-referencing advertising, regardless of positive or negative experience appeal, strong arguments perform better than weak ones; (2) weak arguments perform better than strong ones in an anticipatory self-referencing advertisement with positive experience appeal; (3) strong arguments perform better than weak ones in an anticipatory self-referencing advertisement with negative experience appeal. Research findings of this study will provide different findings on temporal orientation of self-referencing studies and provide practitioners with rich marketing implications.


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