  • 學位論文


Study on the Relationship between Elders’ Sense of Community and Life Satisfaction—A Case of Elders’ Residential Retirement Village

指導教授 : 李明芬


台灣高齡化時代來齡,消費市場中銀髮養生住宅需求日增,高品質的養生環境除硬體設施的舒適安全性被重視外,精神生活的規劃營造對於高齡者來說同等重要。本研究旨在探討高齡者社區意識與生活滿意度之關連,了解高齡者社區意識知覺狀況與生活滿意度之現況,係以集合式養生住宅內的高齡者為研究對象,進行高齡者生活滿意度之研究,以供有關單位辦理或經營高齡者住宅機構之參考。 為達此一研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以「高齡者社區意識與生活滿意度調查問卷」蒐集資料,該問卷的信、效度均相當良好。研究之樣本共計83位。進行描述性統計、獨立樣本檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)了解研究樣本之特性,再以皮爾森積差相關分析社區意識與生活滿意度的相關情形,最後使用多元逐步迴歸進行分析探討。 本研究經統計分析獲致五項結果與發現:(1)高齡者的生活滿意度相當高;(2)社區意識的知覺度相當良好;(3)高齡者每週村內休閒活動的次數以0-2次者為多;在社會參與方面仍顯不足;(4)高齡者具宗教信仰者其生活滿意度較高;(5)高齡者社區意識與生活滿意度相關,且社區意識對高齡者生活滿意度具有預測力。


The coming aging society in Taiwan in the past decades has increased the demand of elders’ residential retirement villages in the consuming market. In order to enhance the quality of elders’ residential retirement villages, designing and enriching the elders’ spiritual life is as important as providing them with comfortable and safe facilities. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between elders’ sense of community and life satisfaction, and to understand their awareness of sense of community and life satisfaction. Therefore, the researcher focuses on the life satisfaction of those who live in the residential retirement village for this study. It is expected that the results of this study would provide the consuming market with better visions and guidelines for designing and building residential retirement villages based on the elders’ needs. To achieve the purpose of this study, data are collected by the questionnaire survey entitled “Survey on elders’ senses of community.” The sample size of this study is 83 in total, in which descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA are employed to investigate the sample characters, followed by Pearson’s Correlation for examining the relationship between the elders’ sense of community and life satisfaction in the residential retirement village. Finally, multiple stepwise regressions are conducted to analyze the research outcomes. From the statistical data analysis and theoretical interpretation, five findings are derived as follows: (1) The elders living in the residential retirement village have high life satisfaction. (2) They have strong sense of community. (3) The highest frequency of the elders’ village activity participation is between 0 and 2, which shows the insufficiency of social participation. (4) The elders with religious beliefs have higher life satisfaction. (5) The elders’ sense of community is related to their life satisfaction, and the elders’ life satisfaction can be predicted by their sense of community.


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