  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林保淳


本研究聚焦BL(Boy’s Love)小說,其特點係以男男同性之間的愛情為主要題材,且因作者及讀者多數為女性,從而可定義為女性幻想世界中的男男愛情小說。本研究試圖分析的問題有三: (一) BL小說與同人誌、言情小說這兩種次文化之間的關係為何? (二) BL小說發展成言情小說次類型的重要軌跡為何?與臺灣九○年代以後的社會發展有什麼樣的關係? (三) BL小說在臺灣言情小說發展史的獨特地位及文化意涵為何? 本研究發現,BL小說能夠發展成言情小說次類型的主要關鍵,在於同人活動的盛行連帶動了同人誌創作風潮以及言情小說產業進入空前競爭局面的刺激,但是BL小說能從自費出版的同人誌進入到商業利益導向的商業化出版階段,其實跟整個社會文化愈來愈開放的情形有關,尤其是同志文化的商品化、網路創作的普遍化、女性情慾自主意識的抬頭。 BL小說與言情小說同樣是女性寫給女性閱讀的書籍,也是女性書寫的商品化現象,但不同的是BL小說的男男同性愛題材,卻具有對抗異性戀中心書寫模式的意味,並翻轉或擾亂既定邏輯的作用,從而減弱異性戀政治正確的影響與宰制。但因BL小說與通俗男同志小說的訴求不同,即使BL小說以顛覆性文本對異性戀體制進行各種顛覆,但女性作者、讀者卻仍以異性戀中心作為思考。因此,BL小說與男女言情小說、女性情慾小說之女性書寫的截然不同,反而更凸顯了BL小說這種女性書寫的特殊存在。 但因BL小說作為一種文化商品,代表了女性對純粹愛情的無限憧憬與消費行為,而不是性別革命,所以本研究還是傾向將這種特殊類型的言情小說回歸到女性的休閒娛樂。


This study focuses on BL (Boy’s Love) novels, which are the works depicting homosexual love between males. Because the author and reader are mostly female, BL novels can also be defined as the gay love in woman’s imaginary world. The study attempts to analyze three topics: 1. The relationship between BL novel and two subcultures, amateur self-published work (doujinshi) and romance novel. 2. The important history of how BL novel has evolved into a subgenre of romance novel, and its correlation with the social development in Taiwan after 90s. 3. The special role and cultural significance of BL novel in the history of Taiwan romance novel. The research result indicates that BL novel in becoming a subgenre of romance novel is mainly influenced by doujin, a group of people who share the same interest in comics or games. The prevalence of doujin activity has driven the creation of dounjinshi and brought the romance novel industry into an unprecedented competitive situation. BL novel has developed from self-publishing into business- oriented publications. This is related to the more and more open society nowadays, especially to the commercialization of gay culture, the commonness of internet literature, and the awareness of female sexuality. BL novel and romance novel are both works written by woman intended for female readers, and also the commercialization of woman writing. The difference is that the gay love in BL novel has an implication against heterosexual writing. It reverses or disturbs the fixed logic, and thus decreases the legitimacy and domination of heterosexual politics. However, BL novel is still not gay literature. Although BL novel uses subversive text to destabilize the heterosexual system, its author and reader are still heterosexual-centered. Thus, BL novel is a cultural product, representing woman's longing for pure love and consumer behavior, but it is not a gender revolution. In conclusion, the paper concludes this special genre as a recreation for women.




8、米歇爾.傅柯(Michel Foucault)著;劉北成、楊遠嬰譯:《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生》,台北:桂冠出版社,1992年。


