  • 學位論文


Research on the Social Vulnerability to Debris Flow Hazard-Case Study of Shueili Township in Nantou County

指導教授 : 徐勝一


近年來,極端氣候及土地超限利用造成全球的災害頻仍,使災害脆弱性之研究也愈趨重要。臺灣為海島國家,在面對全球環境變遷時,相對於其他國家更顯得脆弱。尤其是每年國內發生的土石流災害均造成居民生命財產的嚴重損失。 有鑑於此,首先利用文獻回顧、德爾菲法及層級程序分析法,建立土石流災害的社會脆弱性之指標系統,共有暴露與敏感性、社區防災能力及居民調適能力等三個面向。其次,進行南投縣水里鄉各村土石流災害的社會脆弱性之指數分析,以確認社會脆弱性較高及較低的地區,研究發現土石流災害的社會脆弱性確實存在地域性的差異,水里鄉土石流災害的社會脆弱性指數較高者為新山村、興隆村及民和村,較低者為上安村、新城村及鉅工村。 最後,進一步探討南投縣水里鄉上安社區土石流災害的人文意涵。利用參與觀察法和深度訪談法的方式,聚焦於社區居民在土石流災害時所面臨的生計壓力,及影響其調適性的因素。研究發現,居民災害識覺與經驗、緊密的社會網絡、多樣化的生計、制度及經濟援助,將有助於提升調適能力。然而,改變社區居民的生計活動,卻也可能損害了其他方面的調適能力,而出現新的脆弱性問題,包括災害識覺逐轉弱化、社區資源分配不公、弱勢族群更加脆弱、工程並非完全可靠及生態環境更加脆弱等。希冀本研究成果可作為日後相關研究架構的參考,以及未來政府在災害管理上的決策方針。


In recent years, extreme climate and land overuse have led to frequent disasters worldwide, which considerably promotes the importance of research on hazard vulnerability. As an island country, Taiwan is more vulnerable, compared with other countries, when facing global environmental changes. Among all natural disasters, debris flow hazard happening in Taiwan each year causes critical loss of lives and properties to residents here. Due to the above mentioned, this study first main uses literature review, Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process to count the weight of all indexes and establish the social vulnerability for debris flow hazard indexes framework. According to the study results, there were three aspects in the framework, including exposure-sensitivity, community resilient capacity and residents adaptive capacity. In addition, this study chose the Shueili Township as the case to assess the vulnerability by the above indexes. The assessment results show there are some distinct spatial patterns in the social vulnerability for debris flow hazard, with the most vulnerable villages being in Xinshan village, Xinglong, and Minhe village. Moreover, Shang’an village, Xincheng village, and jugong village are low vulnerable villages. Finally, this essay focuses on the human implications of debris flow hazard happening in Shang’an Community in Shueili Township, Nantou County. Employing methods including participation observation, and depth interview, it concentrates on the pressure of livelihood when the residents suffer from debris flow hazard, and on the factors affecting the determinants of adaptation. This research shows that the acquisition of hazard perception and learning, strong social networks, diversity of livelihood, institutions, and economic support, helps improve adaptive capacity. Nevertheless, by changing the livelihoods of those residents, it is also possible to do harm to adaptive capacity in other aspects, and thus results in emerging vulnerabilities. Hopefully, the results of this study could be important references in hazard management for the future government.


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