  • 學位論文


A Study on Development of Education and Management in Art Supplementary Class-A Case of Xing Yu Arts Center

指導教授 : 趙惠玲


美術才藝班屬於非正規的教育機構,其存在是台灣藝術教育的文化特色,其發展占有一席之地。民間藝術教育從師徒傳承和美術私塾開始醞釀,至1949年由官方形成「技藝類補習班」名稱而深根發芽,隨著1970~1995年的環境優渥促進蓬勃發展,時至今日成為家喻戶曉的教育機構,然而1995年以後卻面臨市場考驗。因此,本研究之目是探討美術才藝班的教育與經營發展,藉由研究個案透視組織生命的盛衰枯榮,了解影響發展的因素,提出未來的建議,提供美術才藝班人員作為參考。為了達成研究目的,本研究使用深度訪談、參與觀察、文件分析搜集研究資料。基於合法性、歷史性、專業性的考量,立意選取「杏羽」作為研究個案,邀請研究場域中各種角色的資深人員,包括經營者、教師、家長、學生,傾聽訪談對象的經驗與心聲,藉由多方資料的查證分析,勾勒出美術才藝班的發展故事。經由上述研究歷程與資料分析,本研究獲得以下研究結果: 一、研究個案的發展脈絡:藝術教育從單一到多元、營運方式從個人管理到組織系統、顧客參與從被動到積極投入、學習對象從兒童到不限年齡、價格定位從低價到高價、拓展市場從獨自到結盟合作、行銷管理從口耳相傳到廣告宣傳、經營策略從內部環境到外部環境。二、研究個案的教育理念:持續研發教學產品保持領先地位、根據學者理論提出教育觀點、在職訓練促進教師學習進步、教育觀念溝通以達成共識、調查親子學習需求提供合適產品、開放教育必須增加師生互動、人本教育強調個別特色以實現自我。三、研究個案的經營理念:做為市場先驅開拓先機、建立管理系統控制營運順暢、訓練兼職教師減少人員流動問題、職權分化保護專業避免換人損失、財務管理控制成本避免虧損、建立顧客關係維持長久購買忠誠。四、影響研究個案教育與經營發展的因素:教育理論思潮影響教育理念、社會環境變遷影響招生營收、市場供需機制影響經營策略、機構互動影響公共關係、個人背景影響決策運作、教育政策影響市場定位。


Art supplementary class is an informal educational institution, the existence of which is a cultural characteristic of Taiwanese art education; its development is significant in Taiwanese art education. Private art education began with master-student transmission and private art classes. In 1949, the government created the name “cram school for technical abilities,” and this type of classes took root. With the improved economic environment of 1970~1995 there was rapid growth, becoming a well-known educational institution. However, after 1995, they face market challenges. The purpose of this study is to explore the development of education and management of art supplementary class. Case study is conducted to review the life cycle of organizations, understand the factors that affect development, and propose concrete suggestions to personnel of art supplementary class. To the above purposes, this study conducted in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis in order to collect research data. Based on legitimacy, historicity, and professional considerations, “Xing Yu” was purposively selected as the research case. Various senior personnel in the research field, including managers, teachers, parents, and students were invited, and their experiences and reflections were heard. With fact-checking and analysis of multilateral information and various roles, the developmental story of Art supplementary class is described in this paper. Based on the research and data analysis, this study arrives at the following research results: (1) The developmental context of the research case: Art education was from a viewpoint to multi-dimensional viewpoint; operational methods evolved from personal management to organized systems; customer participation evolved from passive interaction to active effort; learners evolved from class children to being without age limitations; price orientation evolved from cheap to expensive; market broadening evolved from single effort to allied cooperation; marketing management evolved from word-of-mouth to advertising and promotions; operational strategies evolved from internal environment to external environment. (2) The educational vision of the research case: continued research and development of instructional theories to solidify market position; educational vision is proposed based on scholars’ educational theories; to have employment training to advance the abilities of faculty and staff; educational views are communicated until there is member consensus; to understand learning needs of customer to provide suitable products; open-education should increase teacher-student interaction; Humanistic Education emphasize individual and differentiated education. (3) The management vision of the research case: to become market pioneer can create opportunity; to establish a management system to control a smooth operational flow; to train part-time teachers can reduce staff turnover problem; to establish relationships with clients to maintain long-term purchasing loyalty; to divide job responsibilities to avoid loss of professionalism due to personnel turnover; to have financial management that controls the budget to avoid deficits. (4) Factors that affect the development of education and operations of the research case: educational theories and thought trends affect the educational vision of supplementary classes; changes in the social environment affect the recruitment of supplementary classes; market supply and demand mechanisms affect the management strategies of supplementary classes; institutional interaction and exchange affect the public relations of supplementary classes; personal background factors affect the decision-making processes of supplementary classes; educational policy influence market localization of supplementary class.




