  • 學位論文


Travelling on the Cultural Mind Path: The Narrative of Three Second Generation Malaysian Chinese in Process of life and Cultural Identity

指導教授 : 陳秉華


本研究旨在探討敘說者在個人社會、文化、歷史、政治的特殊脈絡下,文化認同的形成、發展與轉變。研究參與者為三位介於60至70歲的馬來西亞第二代華人,國民教育背景,具有生命歷程的豐富性與對自身族群活動高度參與性的敘說者。本研究採用Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach & ZIlber的敘說分析,以「整體-內容」為主要分析方法,透過個別分析、跨個案分析與綜合討論的方式,來詮釋三位敘說者的文化認同意涵與所形成的過程為何。 本文透過三位敘說者的生命敘說與個別分析歸納出七個主題形塑來源,分別為: (一)家庭成長環境(二)居所成長環境經驗(三)語言學習經驗與認同歸屬(四)、族群之間與國家政策制度面的正面經驗與負面經驗(五)人格特質展現與價值觀(六)自我認同與標籤(七)參與相關族群活動。 透過這七個主題型塑來源的歸納與普遍性的解釋後,再次整合出五個核心主題。此五個核心主題為:(一)家庭與成長環境是形塑文化認同的重要養分。(二)族群語言或母語是啟動族群與文化認同關鍵的齒輪(三)歧視與壓迫經驗突顯族群之間的差異,加深我族認同與歸屬,提升公平正義的意識與追求。(四)其他價值觀的刺激與族群關係的好經驗促使個人思維的轉換,走向多元開放平等觀。(五)馬來西亞第二代華人文化認同的轉化歷程。本研究依據五個核心主題的研究結果發現,結合相關文獻進行討論。 最後,研究者嘗試對馬來西亞華人、馬來西亞政府、馬來西亞教育、未來研究,以及身為讀者的你,提出相關建議與呼籲。 關鍵詞:馬來西亞第二代華人、文化認同、敘說研究


The purpose of this research is to investigate the formation, development, and transformation of cultural identity by narrators brought about as a result of the specific social, cultural, historical, and political paths threaded by each individual. Three narrators, who are second generation Malaysian Chinese with national education background and age between 60 and 70, participated in this research. These narrators have had enriched life experiences and have actively participated in their activities of their own communities. This research adopts the descriptive-analytic method developed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, and ZIlber, using “holistic-content approach” as the major model of analysis. By ways of analysis of individuals, inter-case analysis, and through comprehensive-synthesis discussion, this research interprets the process of cultural identification formation of the three narrators and their associated meanings. Through the descriptions of the life of the three narrators and the analysis of the individuals, seven major sources of formation are identified: (1) the growth environment in the family; (2) the growing up environment and experience; (3) language learning experience and identify; (4) the positive and negative experiences brought about by inter-ethnic relations and the nation policy system; (5) demonstrated personality characteristic and values; (6) self identity and self label; and (7) the participation in the specific ethnic communities’ activities. Through the interpretation of the generality and conclusions of the seven sources of formation, they are integrated into five core themes: (1) the family and the growth environment are the important ingredients of establishing cultural identity; (2) ethnicity or mother tongue language is the key to initiate ethnic identity and cultural identity; (3) discriminations and repressions expose the differences between ethnic groups, increase the identification and belonging of their own groups, and heighten the conscience and pursuit of fairness and justice; (4) the stimulation of other value and the positive experience of ethnic relations encourages the change individual thought toward diversity, openness, and fairness values; and (5) the process of transformation in the cultural identity of the second generation Malaysian Chinese. This research is based combining the discovery derived from the five major themes and the discussions of many related documents. Finally, the researcher attempts to make related proposals and appeals to Malaysian Chinese, Malaysia government, Malaysia education, future researches, and you the readers. KEYWORDS: Second Generation Malaysian Chinese, Cultural Identity, Narrative Research


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