  • 學位論文


A Study on the Attitude of Academic Libraries toward the Subject Specialist Services

指導教授 : 邱銘心


圖書館是大學的心臟,代表圖書館是大學進行教學、發展學術研究的重要知識泉源,但在網際網路蓬勃發展下,許多學術研究社群開始習虛擬的研究環境,造成圖書館各項資源及服務使用率嚴重下降,因此圖書館開展許多創新服務,以提升服務品質與效能。 學科服務是把圖書館整體服務以專業化、主題化、客製化的方式透過學科館員一對一的服務呈現給使用者,使之感受到的優質創新服務,目前已成為國內大學圖書館提供專業化服務的趨勢之一。學科服務在歐美已是行之有年的制度,但國內發展仍剛起步,我國的發展環境與歐美學術環境大不相同,大學圖書館在推動服務時勢必不能全盤沿用國外的經驗,因此希冀藉由本研究能探討目前實施的現況及面臨的困難及挑戰,以作為其他圖書館推動學科服務時的參考。 本研究是以問卷調查的方式調查國內已實施學科服務的八所大學圖書館,了解各館實施的情形,探討大學圖書館館長及學科館員對於學科服務的態度及看法,並分析兩者的差異性。本研究獲致結論如下: 1.目前共有八所大學圖書館推動學科服務,發展時間約二到五年。學科服務多由參考組/推廣組負責,也由參考館員擔任學科館員。學科館員工作項目多元複雜,最常從事的工作就是「參考諮詢」及「資訊檢索服務」。 2.「人際溝通能力」及「分析與解決問題的能力及創意」是圖書館館長與學科館員認為學科館員最重要的工作態度與特質。 3.「學科館員的專業知識」及「系所教師對圖書館的重視」、「學科館員的工作態度及服務熱忱」是普遍認為影響學科服務的因素。 4.「學科館員的專業知識不足」、「人力不足」及圖書館「缺乏完善的評鑑與輔導制度」是學科服務目前碰到的問題。 5.學科服務對圖書館最大的改變就是「增加與使用者的溝通聯繫」、「改變各圖書館的專業形象」及「提升圖書館的服務滿意度」。 6.學科專業知識深切影響學科服務的發展,因此學科館員提升學科專業能力刻不容緩。


“The library is the heart of the university”. This quote indicates that the library holds the academic function of the university. However, in the digitalized environment, scholar communities are transferring their research tools to google and on-line messengers are replacing what libraries did in the past. Such being the case, libraries have begun to provide many new services to enhance performance and functionality. The subject specialists are academic and research librarians with specialized knowledge, skills and experience of particulars fields. They integrate all the services to the research communities, including collection recommendation, library instruction and reference services. The subject specialist service has become a trend and a good system in the European and American research libraries but it just started two to five years ago in Taiwan. Because of the different research environments, we cannot follow the system totally. So this research aims to investigate the current status of implementation and find the difficulties and challenges. This study uses questionnaire surveys to detect eight universities which have offered the subject specialist service. It is intended to identify the current status of execution and probe into the views as to the subject specialist service of the directors versus the subject librarians as well as find the difference in between. The conclusions are summarized as follows. 1. There are eight academic libraries that provide subject specialist services. The services have been executed for two five years. The specialist services are often taken care of by the reference department/ the reference and extension department. Many of the subject librarians also take the job as reference librarian. Thus, their work is multiplied and complicated. Actually, it is found that their work is mainly focused on reference service and information service. 2. “The communication skill” and “the analysis and problem-sloving abilities/ creativity” is the most important attitude as to being a subject librarian in the director and the subject librarian`s views. 3. “The knowledge of particular field” and “the faculty`s view relating to the library” and “the attitude and enthusiasm of the subject librarian” are the impacts on the services performance. 4. “The storage of the knowledge of the subject librarian”, “the storage of human resources” and “ the lack of the evaluation and consult system” are the difficulties of the subject specialist services at the moment. 5. The most substantial changes for the library are “increasing the communication to the user”, “promoting the profession image” and “uplifting the satisfaction of the users”. 6. The knowledge of particular field influences the development of the subject specialist service, so the subject librarian should uphold their professional abilities as much as possible.


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