  • 學位論文


Elementary students’ views on the English class

指導教授 : 湯仁燕 Ren-Yen, Tang


本研究以臺北市一班小學四年級學生為研究對象,透過訪談輔以問卷調查與觀察的方式,瞭解個案班級學生對於英語課的看法,並試圖瞭解學生觀點受到哪些因素的影響,以及學生觀點具有的特質,簡言之,本研究目的如下: 壹、瞭解國小學生對於英語學習的觀點與看法。 貳、分析影響國小學生對英語學習觀點的因素。 參、分析國小學生對英語學習觀點的特質。 肆、歸納研究結果,提出對英語教學實務與學生觀點研究的省思與啟示 研究結果顯示,在個案班級學生眼中,英語課是一門「未來生活」才用得到的課。個案班級學生認為學好英語的方法是「反覆練習」,英語教學是「不斷重複」的活動,英語教材「不有趣、不生活化」,英語評量沒有評估到學生的英語能力。影響個案班級學生對英語課的觀點有五,分別為學生身邊重要他人影響、教師教學、學生的生活經驗、學生的補習經驗,以及學生個人喜好。個案班級學生對英語課的觀點具有「用評價來表達自己想法」、「以實際用處進行思考」、「多表達負面看法」、「具有成熟一面」的特質。最後,研究者根據研究發現,提出結論與對英語課程與教學與學生觀點研究之省思。


This study is aimed to investigate the 4th grade students’ perspectives about English curriculum and instruction in the elementary school. Interview, questionnaire and observation methods were applied in this study for qualitative analysis. The main purposes of this study are: (1) to portray students’ perspectives about English curriculum and instruction; (2) to discover the factors that affect students’ perspectives; (3) to explore the natures of students’ perspectives. The results show that the students think English class is a class for future, and the way to learn English well is through repeatedly practices. They also think the English teaching is a repeated activity, the English textbooks are not interesting and not related to daily life, and the English tests do not assessment their English abilities. Moreover, students’ perspectives are affected by their important others, their teacher’s teaching, their life experiences, their experiences of attending cram school and their personal temperaments. The results also show that the students’ perspectives have features of using judgment to express their ideas, using practical usages to consider the importance of learning English, usually sharing their negative opinions, and thinking maturely. Based on the research findings, conclusion and reflection are provided for the implementation of English curriculum and instruction as well as for the study of students’ perspectives.


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