  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Visitors’ Space Image and Re-patronage Intention for Leisure Farm: A Case study of San-Fu Garden and Resort

指導教授 : 莊修田


二十一世紀為體驗經濟的時代,對於以體驗作為重要核心要素的休閒農場,能了解與預測遊客的需求與偏好是其成功經營條件之一,遊客空間印象之體驗在休閒農場產業中扮演著極重要的角色,經營者是否能正確認知其休閒農場空間印象與遊客需求,確切運用體驗媒介,將是提升休閒農場品質之躍進。 本研究由體驗行銷的觀點,探討遊客對於空間印象及再惠顧意願之關係,以三富休閒農場為例,採量化研究中「相關性研究法」,透過文獻回顧、實地觀察、質性訪談方式建立休閒農場空間印象之初步系統與體驗內涵,依據Schmitt提出的模組理論:感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗、關聯體驗為五個空間印象構面,針對三富休閒農場之遊客進行問卷調查,其回收之有效問卷共計315份,研究結果發現: (一)空間印象五個構面中,受測者綜合態度得分最高為「思考體驗」。 (二)遊客個人屬性、消費行為對休閒農場空間印象重視度、滿意度與再惠顧意願有顯著差異存在。 (三)遊客對休閒農場空間印象滿意度、綜合態度與再惠顧意願之間,皆為顯著正相關。 (四)遊客個人屬性、消費行為對休閒農場空間印象之重視度、滿意度對於再惠顧意願有50.8%的預測力,其中被選入八個預測變項中,有四項與空間印象有關,反應空間印象的塑造對於休閒農場再惠顧意願之重要性。 本研究結果將作為今後從事休閒農場與空間規劃設計的參考。


The twenty-first century is an era of experience economy. The core of leisure farm’s operation is experience. Understanding the visitors’ demands and expectancy is one of the key to success. The experience of visitors’ space image plays an important role in the leisure farm industry. Operators need to know the advantage of the leisure farm and visitors’ demand. That would make great progress of the leisure farm’s quality by using the experience correctly. This thesis, aided by correlation research method, studies the space image, as well as the willingness of re-patronag intention from visitors’ perspective. From the experiential marketing view, the thesis had the five dimensions: sense, emotion, thinking, acting, related experience by Schmitt. Through interview with experts, visitors and leisure farm’s operation this study then tailors questionnaires specifically targeting San-Fu Garden and Resort’s visitors. The data collected from 315 samples are analyzed with the aid of SPSS 18 computing software. The findings of this thesis are shown as followers: 1.The highest score of overall attitude was "thinking experience" among the five factors of the space image. 2.The visitors’ personal background and consumer behavior had significant differences on importance, satisfaction and re-patronage intention of leisure farm’s space image. 3.The leisure farm visitors’ satisfaction and overall attitude of space image shows positive correlation to re-patronage intention. 4.The leisure farm visitors’ emphasis and satisfaction of space image had 50.8% to predict re-patronage intention. The stepwise regression analysis shows that, four of chosen variables are related to space image. It reflects the importance of how establishment of space image leads to recurring visitors. The result of this thesis can be used in practice for ones intend to participate in the space image design and research.


