  • 學位論文


Self-disclosure and knowledge sharing behavior in virtual community: The influence of user perceived cost and benefit.

指導教授 : 王仕茹


虛擬社群逐漸在消費者及企業間扮演重要的角色,諸如網路使用者抒發個人感受、情感世界、揭露個人資訊、產品使用經驗等活動早在網路平台顯而易見。故不少企業管理者在觀察到網路中存在為數龐大的消費者自發性個人訊息揭露及產品知識分享後,紛紛投身或贊助各式的產品虛擬社群成立,希望從中取得使用者產品共創或產品改良的機會。儘管消費者在社群中進行自我揭露或產品分享已為當前趨勢,但目前仍少有研究探討使用者行為背後之動機;欲探究此問題,本研究建立理論模型以描繪影響虛擬社使用者自我揭露及知識分享行為的前置因數,並認為使用者的感知效益及心理安全程度將正向影響上述二者行為。   本研究鎖定美妝型虛擬社群為研究範疇進行網路問卷施測,最終取得282份有效樣本。研究結果顯示,使用者個人知覺到之效益(使用者感知效益)及成本(心理安全)將顯著影響至自我揭露及知識分享行為;另外,親密感則為自我揭露影響知識分享行為的中介變數。使用者感知效益可為下列五個效益面反應:學習效益、社會整合效益、個人整合效益、享樂效益、利他;使用者對社群的信任程度則會正向影響心理安全。    本研究架構中增加虛擬社群的自我揭露行為探討,完備現今網路使用者的行為現象,且發現社會關係型效益,如利他、社會整合或個人整合,將對使用者的分享決策有更大影響力。整體而言,相較心理成本,當網路者感知到愈多的效益時,將會更願意在社群中進行情感、經驗分享或是產品知識交流。基於此研究結果,本研究將建議企業在進行網路社群活動時,應將有限資源至於消費者感知的潛在效益取得。


Virtual communities play an important role in consumers and business, therefore a number of activities can be related to networks such as sharing personal own information, feeling, emotion, or exchanging product using experience. At present, massive voluntary product knowledge sharing and self-disclosure behavior by users has attracted the attention of industry managers, and an increasing number of firms are supporting virtual product communities to involve network users in product development or improvement. Despite the impressive scope of this phenomenon, very little research is understood about what motivates users to share product knowledge and disclosure personal information. This research seeks to answer this question by developing and testing a conceptual model that draws on perceived user benefits and psychological safety that influence uses’ knowledge sharing and self-disclosure behaviors in virtual communities.   This research scopes are cosmetic virtual communities, and survey on network questionnaires to collect data. A total of 282 valid questionnaires are obtained. The results suggest that individual perceptions about benefits (perceived users benefits) and costs (psychological safety) affect knowledge sharing and self-disclosure behaviors significantly, and users’ knowledge sharing behavior in virtual communities can be positively influenced by self-disclosure though intimate. Perceived users benefits can be measured by five benefits: learning, social integration, personal integration, hedonic and altruistic benefits; besides, users’ level of trust has a positive impact on psychological safety.   In this research, we propose to address this gap by examining users’ self-disclosure behavior in virtual communities, and discover social relationship benefits like altruistic, social integration and personal integration, has the most influence on sharing decision making. Overall, this research shows that network users’ with higher degree of perceived benefit motivations have strong willingness to spend more time involving in sharing emotion, experience, or knowledge in virtual communities. Based on this finds, we can offer recommendations for firm hosting product communities to enhance users’ perceptions potential benefits.


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