  • 學位論文


Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate Library Database

指導教授 : 謝建成


據統計,電子資源館藏在整體圖書館的購買經費比例上,已大大的超越了紙本資源館藏。而僅管電子資源對於圖書館來說相當重要,目前卻還是沒有一完整而明確的方法,可以作為電子資源的評量標準,這造成圖書館在面臨電子資料庫合約到期,是否該續訂此資料庫時等實務上的問題時,出現難以判斷的狀況。 資料包絡分析法是一綜合性的評估受評單位效率的方法,可以依不同投入產出項的變項,自動計算出對受評單位最有利的權數,找出相對有效率的單位,並可對無效率的單位提出改善方向的建議,應可作為圖書館在進行電子資料庫評估時的一個客觀參考依據。 本研究首先搜集圖書館對於面臨資料庫是否續訂或刪訂等的原則,來看實務上圖書館用來評量資料庫優缺點的方法,再透過了解目前較常使用的電子資源計量,是記錄哪些數據,整理出本研究將使用的資料包絡分析法可用的資料庫評量因子。 實證研究中使用了CCR與BCC模式來探討C大圖書館2010-2011年12個資料庫的使用績效,以效率分析來看各資料庫的相對效率值,了解12個資料庫中,達到最適規模與投入產出平衡的資料庫為何,又未達效率的資料庫為何;以差額分析探討各未達最佳效率的資料庫,應該如何做改善,才能改進其效率;再以敏感度分析做整體研究、投入產出項選取的合適性檢驗,驗證結果的穩定性;最後,將實證研究中的資料庫數據用傳統圖書館在評量資料庫的方法進行計算,並與資料包絡法分析的結果做比較。 比較的結果發現,傳統的評量方法是較為單一面向的評估,因為各個資料庫的使用情況不同,若用不同的因子(例如:每次登入資料庫的成本,或每次下載的成本)進行比較,結果都不盡相同,不同的比較方法存在著差異性;而資料包絡分析法根據評估的單位,計算出這些評估對象的相對效率,綜合了各投入產出項的變數,進行受評單位最大化效率值的計算,並提供效率值的比較、未達效率單位的改善方法等,較過去評量方法更多元且客觀的資訊給決策者,應可作為圖書館在面臨評量資料庫時的一參考依據。


Previous statistics have shown that for most libraries, the funds for electronic resources on library have overwhelmingly increased and become more than print collections year by year; though electronic resources plays an important role in library, currently there isn’t any clear and accurate evaluation done to judge the electronic resources; that is to say, it would be hard to decide whether to continue or discontinue subscribe the electronic databases at quarter ends. Data envelopment analysis is used to find some factors effecting on efficiency of DMUs by synthesis evaluation. Having different variables involved, data envelopment analysis could automatically calculate the best weight for each DMU, finding it’s relatively unit as well as providing directions to those non-effective units, and data envelopment analysis is supposed to best evaluate the library electronic resources objectively. In this study, researcher first view the certain libraries’ principles of how they make decisions whether to continue or discontinue subscribing a certain database, and see how they judge the advantage or disadvantage of the database; with commonly used E-Metrics, researcher discovered the statistics and found out the factors which could be used in data envelopment analysis applying in the research. In the empirical study, researcher has explore the C university’s 12 electronic databases performance between 2010-2011 through CCR and BCC model, tried to find the most significant factor impacting on the turnover for the 12 databases, and further separate them into the balanced ones and unbalanced ones. With slack analysis, research analyzes those ineffective ones and tried to figure out how to improve their performance while defining the balanced ones with sensitivity analysis. Later on, researcher applied the way that previous libraries evaluate databases to calculate the statistics researcher has got in empirical study and further compare the previous result from the data envelopment analysis. However, traditional evaluation analyze from only one particular aspect; concerning different functions offered by different users, with different factors put in, different outcomes would be interpreted. By merging input-output variables, DEA can estimate each DMU’s best efficient value as well as provided the comparison of efficiency and the improvement to each inefficient unit. Accordingly, offering more and objective information to the decision maker can have a reference for best evaluate the library resources objectively.


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