  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effects of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy on Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems.

指導教授 : 許維素


本研究旨在瞭解焦點解決短期諮商(Solution-Focused Brief Therapy,簡稱SFBT)對外向行為問題(externalizing behavior problems)兒童的輔導效果。以三位外向行為問題兒童為研究對象,分別進行每週一次,約八到十四次的焦點解決短期諮商的個別晤談,採質性個案研究取向,分別以諮商過程逐字稿、個案諮商後問卷、家長及導師諮商前後訪談資料,等不同觀點加以分析探討,結果如下: 發現三位個案在經過焦點解決短期諮商後,在五個方面展現出輔導效果及改變情形,而不同觀察者對改變之認定與觀察角度具有差異性: 一、三位個案個別的整體行為改變 焦點解決短期諮商過程中,卜派所產生的整體改變有:在攻擊他人、好發脾氣、容易跟人起衝突方面有進步,在接受大人的規定和指示上有改善,甚至學到更為有效、正向的方式來取代自己想攻擊他人與想破壞物品的衝動。 而辛巴整體改變的反應有:在好爭辯、拒絕聽從規定、勸導或反抗大人的指示上都有了程度方面的改善,願意偶爾配合老師的要求與糾正,之前大起大落的情緒現在有持續小小些微的進步中。 對柯南所產生的整體改變有:不主動去招惹別人,也盡量不去理會他人對自己不友善的攻擊行為,能接受事先約定好的設限範圍。 二、外向性行為問題減少:(1)對他人具有威脅性的外顯攻擊行為有稍許的變化或調整;以及(2)在情緒上較能調節,遵守規範之態度有改進,但衝動性格難控制。 三、正向行為增加:(1)變得較能接受現實,而非低估自己行為對他人的敵對性與平心靜氣接受違常行為之後果;(2)均在表情達意的能力技巧上有所增進;(3)處於適應困難的生活中,仍能保有對自己的正向態度;(4)逐漸展現出成熟與負責的行為;(5)嘗試融入團體當中,執行任務行為;以及(6)學習因應人際衝突,嘗試有效增進人際關係之策略。 四、對內在狀態改變的詮釋:(1)在認知內容上的詮釋有了調整或自身有進一步的覺察;以及(2)情緒與認知彼此相互影響。 五、課業表現:(1)在學習態度方面,學習意願有提升;(2)在學科成績方面,喜歡的科目成績有進步;以及(3)作業表現方面,能願意繳交作業並且字體變整齊。 最後,研究者依據研究結果進行討論,並針對諮商實務工作者,以及未來研究提出相關建議。


This study was to examine the effects of solution-focused brief therapy on children with externalizing behavior problems. Three children diagnosed with externalizing behavior problems participated in the study and received eight to fourteen solution-focused brief therapies individually and respectively. Qualitative method was adopted in the data collection and incorporated the instruments of therapy transcripts, an post-therapy questionnaire, and interviews with parents and teachers. The results showed that after solution-focused brief therapies, the positive effects and changes were found in five aspects as follows: 1. Changes in overall behavior: an improvement can be seen in Case A who became more effective and positive in receiving rules and orders instead of having attention of attacking others or damaging things. Case B used to be quarreled and rebellious in obeying rules and listening to the instructions, but was changed to cooperating with teachers’ demands and corrections. Case C was unwilling to provoke others, tolerant of others unfriendly behaviors against him and kept his promises to the set agreement between him and teachers. 2. Decline in externalizing behavior problems: first, their externalizing behaviors against others were decreased steadily; and then, they were more able to control their emotions and their attitudes toward obeying rules were improved, but it was sometimes difficult to control their own impulse characters. 3. Increase of positive behaviors: they became realistic and were aware of the hostile effects of their acts on others, and accept the consequences of their behaviors. Also, the ability of expressing their opinions and feelings was risen, and positive attitudes toward difficult situations appeared. Moreover, they were more mature and responsible for their behaviors, and participated in groups so as to fulfill tasks. Finally, they learned to deal with conflicts and adopted strategies to improve relationship with others. 4. Changes of inner condition: positive attitudes toward others and awareness of the ego, i.e. their previous inappropriate behaviors; a beneficial influence between emotions and thoughts. 5. Improvement in academic performance, e.g. learning attitudes, scores of favorite subjects, and willingness to finish homework in an appropriate way. The research findings demonstrate the positive effects of solution-focused brief therapy on children with externalizing behavior problems. Thus, several recommendations of this study can be deduced for the implications of SFBT in clinical practice and also for future research. key word:Solution-Focused Brief Therapy,externalizing behavior problems ,children,case study


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