  • 學位論文


The Effect of Integrating Disscussion into Dual Situated Learning Model on

指導教授 : 張文華


本研究旨在探討透過融入討論的雙重情境學習教學模式,對學生血糖恆定概念學習成就及類比思考的影響。研究採準實驗設計,研究對象為台北市某國中七年級學生兩個班級,合計72人。依研究設計分為融入討論的雙重情境學習組 (n=38)、未融入討論的雙重情境學習組 (n=34)。研究者依照雙重境情學習模式設計並進行三個教學事件,協助學生學習血糖恆定。其中融入討論組在雙重情境學習模式步驟中針對較抽象困難概念加入小組的討論,希望藉此讓學生互相交流知識,以更利於概念學習。在雙重情境教學前後施測「學習成就測驗」,從t-test、共變數分析及質性分析結果發現,兩組學生的血糖恆定成就測驗得分均明顯成長,但融入討論組並未優於未融入討論組。而由融入討論組的簡答題結果,可看出在血糖調節機制高層次概念提升的效果。從類比學習單中發現融入討論組的類比思考成果,提出的類比內容相似度高,且偏向以表面特徵相似性進行類比,在未融入討論組的類比思考呈現上較具多樣性。


This study aimed to explore the impact of integrating discussion into Dual-Situated Learning Model (DSLM) on students’ conceptual understanding of homeostasis of blood sugar and analogical reasoning. This study applied quasi-experimental design. The participants were 72 7th graders from two classes. The two classes were randomly assigned to two groups- integrating discussion DSLM (d-DSLM) group and DSLM group. Three dual situated learning events were designed according to dual situated learning model. The d-DSLM students discussed and expressed their ideas with group members for clarifying selected abstract science concept. Students’ pre- and post-measures on ‘the Achievement Test of Homeostasis of Blood Sugar’ were collected and analyzed. From the t-test, ANCOVA and qualitative data analysis, we found that both groups significantly improved their conceptual understanding, but the d-DSLM group was not better than the DSLM group. And from the short answer of achievement, we found that the d-DSLM group scored significantly higher at high level concept of blood sugar regulation mechanism. Furthermore, the analogies generated by the d-DSLM group were similar in contents and the students preferred to use surface feature on mapping, the analogies generated by the control group were diverse in contents.


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