  • 學位論文


The Study of Prevention by International Organizations to Somali Piracy

指導教授 : 王冠雄


自2009 年到2011 年,這三年來我國漁船被索馬利亞海盜攻擊或 劫持事件層出不窮,我國漁船被劫五個案例有「穩發161 號」、「日春 財68 號」、「瑞滿發號」、「泰源227 號」、以及「旭富一號」,無論是 幸運歸國或甚至是下落不明者,皆受盡折磨。 本篇論文把重點放在21 世紀後的海盜行為做為探討,今天21 世 紀的海盜已經和大航海時期的海盜性質有相當大的差別,而面對這樣 的改變,我們該如何因應防制之?本論文研究範圍限制在索馬利亞的 海盜,該國海盜主要出沒於印度洋、曼德海峽及索馬利亞沿岸。而本 論文文獻主要參考聯合國、國際海事組織、國際海事局及歐洲聯盟亞 特蘭大行動的海盜相關報告統計資料。 根據最新2011 年4 月1 號國際海事組織發布的「Reports on Acts of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships Annual Report-2010」表示,2010 年全球海盜攻擊數目為489 次,跟去年比起來增加了83 次,共 增加20.4%,而該年海盜攻擊密度最高的地區是東非,其中東非地區 的海盜攻擊主要是索馬利亞海盜。 此外根據最新2011 年國際海事局出版的「ICC IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships,2010 1 January-31 December」中指出,全球海盜攻擊次數有445 件,而非洲全年海盜攻擊案件就佔了259 次。 本論文分為五大章,第一章為緒論,內容包括研究動機與目的、 研究方法與範圍、及研究流程與進度;第二章為何謂海盜行為與武裝 劫掠,主要是為海盜行為及武裝劫掠定義,並將國際法目前對海盜行 為遭遇的困境做出解釋,最後補充2011 年聯合國最新海盜特別法庭 的論述;第三章分析索馬利亞的近代史及該國海盜的形成原因,共可 分為四大原因:後冷戰國際局勢、長期無政府狀態、天然資源缺乏導 致經濟貧困、以及位處海上貿易交通幹道;第四章則是本論文的核心, 第四章舉出四大國際組織,聯合國(UN)、國際海事組織(IMO)、國 際海事局(IMB)、及歐盟(EU),將這四大國際組織針對索馬利亞 海盜的防制之法律依據、執行情形、及成效與問題,一一分述之;最 後一章第五章結論。


Somalia is a failed state. Somalia has a weak government (Somalia),autonomous regions (Puntland), and an unrecognized independent country(Somaliland). Somalia has a representative government but it is very weak. Any act of piracy and armed robbery could have serious impact on the safety of navigation which would not only affect the victims but also causefinancial repercussions. According to the 2010 report adopted by the Piracy Reporting Centre of the International Maritime Bureau, pirate activity has seen an unprecedented increase in the Somali sea area recently. Moreover,the International Maritime Bureau global survey of piracy in 2010 shows that the number has increased to 259 from 80 in Africa. Why is the piracyissue becoming worse in this area? Combating piracy is not a simple mission. It is not a problem that acouple of states can solve. What have international organizations done to resolve this issue? What kind of measures could be taken to combat Somali pirates? The author believes that the resolution should rely on the mechanism of “International Cooperation”. The author would like to observe how international organizations have attempted to solve the piracy issue. These international organizations include the United Nations (UN),the International Maritime Bureau (IMB), the International MaritimeOrganization (IMO), and European Union (EU). The subject of this paper is limited to the areas in the Gulf of Aden and Somali sea area during the period between 2000 and 2011.


Somali Piracy UN IMO IMB EU


田文國,「航行船舶提防海盜問題之探討」,海運研究學刊,第 1 期,第45-59 頁,1996年4月。
International Maritime Bureau(IMB):http://www.icc-ccs.org/home/imb.
