  • 學位論文


The Study of Double Object Construction in Modern Chinese

指導教授 : 鄧守信


本文主要探討現代漢語雙賓句的相關問題。綜觀討論雙賓句的諸多文獻或專書,學者們雖對雙賓句式的分類多寡各持己見,無法達到共識,但均一致認同雙賓句的存在,有的僅承認「給予義」雙賓句,有的只要句子呈現的形式結構為VN1N2的句子即認定其為雙賓句。如此寬嚴不一的認定標準,是否都流於失之偏頗?結構上相同的句子都屬於雙賓句嗎? 本文將從討論兩個賓語的性質及彼此之間的關係出發,探討雙賓句句型、雙賓動詞的分類等。從構式語法的角度解析雙賓句的表層結構,然後試圖說明解析句子應從深層的語義關係著眼,從語義學格語法的觀念分析雙賓結構,釐清賓語數,探討介賓及與格移位的現象;輔之以語義為基礎的句法範疇的配價理論談雙賓動詞的支配能力,分析其論元性質及內容等;另外將以跨語言的方式,比較英漢雙賓句的異同,從中尋找是否具有語言間普遍的概括性。 如何能夠並行不悖、不自相矛盾的處理由語法分析確實存在,而從格語法角度看並無所謂的雙賓句的這種情形,實乃一大難題,一大挑戰。文章末尾將自語料庫中檢索雙賓句「給字句」之頻率,分析外籍學生習得的偏誤情形,檢討華語教材中雙賓句式語法點呈現的難易程度的合理性,作出恰當的排序並解釋其緣由,筆者希望能對雙賓句「給」字句式的教學作出合適的建議,彙整出一套適合華語學習者循序漸進理解及學習的規則。


This thesis discusses modern Chinese double object construction related issues. There is a variety of linguistic literature and books, which discuss the problem of double object sentences. Each scholar identified and classified the double object sentences with their own point of view. Although they do not reach a consensus, they all accepted the existence of double object sentences. Some identified those only on the basis of the form of structures such as VN1N2, others only from the perspective of syntax processing, which is a very biased approach. Evidently, treatment of double object sentences is a very complex matter. Based on the discussion of the content and relationship between two objects, the sentence types in double object construction, and verb classification will be discussed. Furthermore, the ‎ surface structure of double object sentences from the perspective of construction grammar will be analyzed. An explanation attempt is provided for the deep structure of parsing sentences in regards to the semantic relations from a perspective of cognitive grammar semantics, which is the concept of using case grammar analysis of double object construction. The actual number of the object in prepositional and dative shift phenomenon is clarified, supported by the semantics-based theory of syntactic categories of valence of the double object verbs. Finally the content and number of the arguments is evaluated. It however remains unresolved how to deal with the existence of double object sentences in syntactic grammar, but not from the perspective of case grammar. The cross-language approach was chosen for comparing the double object construction in English and Chinese, focusing on the generality of similarities and differences in these two languages. Our approach is: on grammar level there is the double object sentence, but in the deep syntactic meaning there is not. How can we handle this contradiction? Because foreign students have difficulties in understanding and using the double object sentence, hence, it is an obligation to include this topic into relevant grammar books or text books. At the end of the thesis we conduct an error analysis of the usage of the gei-sentence in double sentences of the foreign learners. The double object construction was retrieved from the corpus, the usage frequency of different types of double object sentences was determined. Chinese textbooks were reviewed for a reasonable degree of difficulty of double object sentences. All this shall help to make appropriate recommendations in teaching the "double object construction", and in teaching sentence compilation with a set of increasingly difficult rules for Chinese language learners to understand and learn the underlying rules.


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