  • 學位論文


A Competency Analysis of Hotel General Managers

指導教授 : 洪久賢


專業能力之概念早已廣泛應用在人力資源管理實務上(Boyatzis, 1982; Spencer & Spencer, 1993)。建立管理者專業能力模式(competency model)用來評量管理者或未來領導者人是否具備成功關鍵的專業能力,也成為企業及國際連鎖旅館之趨勢(Chung-Herrera et al., 2003; O’Fallon & Rutherford, 2010)。領導者的專業能力及績效表現將決定企業的成敗(Drucker, 1989),有鑑於領導者專業能力之重要性,本研究以國內旅館業總經理為研究對象進行旅館業總經理專業能力之分析研究,主要研究目的為發展旅館業總經理應具備之專業能力模式,分析評估各專業能力因素間之影響關係及重要性。 在研究設計上採取質化研究及量化研究並行,分為三個階段實施,包括:以質化研究的文件分析、文獻回顧及深度訪談法,發展旅館業總經理專業能力概念架構;以模糊德爾菲法進行專家問卷調查,以篩選及確認旅館業總經理應具備之專業能力構面及指標。再運用多準則決策之DANP分析法來評估本研究發展之模式,瞭解旅館業總經理各專業能力構面及準則之間的動態影響關係及重要程度。 本研究結果發展出一套「旅館業總經理專業能力模式」,包括五大專業能力構面及20項專業能力準則: 一、策略與概念性能力:包括願景、分析能力、策略管理能力、執行能力、問題解決能力、危機處理等5項專業能力準則。 二、領導與溝通能力:包括人際關係、溝通能力、領導能力、外語能力等4項專業能力準則。 三、文化與審美能力:包括文化、創造力、審美觀念等3項專業能力準則。 四、自我概念能力:包括自我管理及態度2項專業能力準則。 五、專業技術性能力:包括現場管理、人力資源管理、財務管理、業務及行銷、資訊應用能力,共5項專業能力準則。 DANP分析之重要度排序為:「策略與概念性能力」、「專業技術性能力」、「領導與溝通能力」、「自我概念能力」及「文化與審美能力」。「策略與概念性能力」是旅館總經理最重要且最必須具備之核心專業能力。


The concept of competency had been widely applied on human resource management practices (Boyatzis, 1982; Spencer & Spencer, 1993). It has also become a trend in organizations and international chain hotels, to develop a competency model on managers as guidance on performance assessment for managers or any potential leaders, regarding their competencies as needed for them to be successful in their jobs (Chung-Herrera et al., 2003; O’Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). As Peter Drucker has noted that the competence and performance of managers determine the fate of the company (Drucker, 1989), and the managers play important roles in a company‘s success. Therefore, on the basis of importance for the competency of the managers, the purpose of this study is to make analysis on the competency of the general managers (GMs) in the hotel industry of Taiwan, in order to develp a competency model required by the hotel GMs. Furthermore, to identify the relationships and importance among each competency factors. A three-stage research design is adopted in this study, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, to include: (1) with qualitative research for document analysis, literature review and depth interview in the first stage, to develop a conceptual framework of hotel GM’s competency profile; (2) using Fuzzy Delphi method in the second stage, in order to determine the competency perspectives and criteria required by the General Managers of the hotel industry; (3) utilizing DANP (DEMATEL base on ANP) to analyze the proposed competency model in the study, to understand dynamic influential relationships and degree of importance between various competency perspectives and criteria for the General Managers of the hotel industry. The results demonstrate a “competency model for the hotel GM”, which includes five major competency perspectives with 20 criteria: 1. Strategic and Conceptual competency: including five competency criteria as vision, analytical, strategic management, implementation, problem-solving, and crisis management. 2. Leadership and communication competency: including four competency criteria, as interrelationship, communication, leadership, and foreign language ability. 3. Cultural and esthetics competency: including three competency criteria, as culture, creativity, and esthetics. 4. Self-conceptual competency: including two competency criteria, as self-management and attitude. 5. Technical competency: to consist of five competency criteria, as on-site management, human resource management, financial management, sales and marketing, and information application capability. DANP results reveal the ranking of importance for the five competency perspectives respectively as: “Strategic and Conceptual competency”, “Technical competency”, “Leadership and communication competency”, “Self-conceptual”, and “Cultural and esthetics competency”. Moreover, the “Strategic and Conceptual competency” is the most critical competency required by the General Managers of hotel industry.


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