  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 方進隆


紙片人由於沈溺過度減重將導致潛在性的骨骼及健康問題。本研究主要探討阻力結合振動訓練對大專體重過輕女性肌肉適能及骨骼健康之影響,召募並篩選出36位健康受試者,年齡18-22歲,身體質量指數過低 (BMI<18.5) 的年輕且沒有運動習慣的大專女性為研究對象,最後完成本實驗有阻力訓練組12人、阻力結合振動訓練組11人及控制組7人。兩組訓練組均於每週一、三、五進行阻力訓練,每次1-3組,每組12-15下,訓練時間30-50分鐘,強度範圍為1RM的60-70%,包含全身八種訓練動作;另外,阻力結合振動訓練組先進行完阻力訓練後再額外進行上肢振動訓練,以頻率40Hz及振幅4g方式於每週一、三、五,每次3-5組,每組1分鐘,組間休息30秒,非慣用手的方式進行;控制組未進行任何訓練。所有受試者於訓練前後測量下列變項:(1)身體質量指數:體重(kg)/身高2(m)來換算;(2)身體組成(Inbody 720, Korea);(3)肌肉適能(最大肌力)表現;(4)骨質密度以雙能量X光吸收儀 (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, DEXA) 測量左右手前臂、腰椎第1-4節、股骨頸等部位骨質密度及骨質含量;(5)骨骼代謝指標:骨鈣素 (osteocalcin, OCN)、碳末端胜鏈 (C-terminal telopeptide, CTx)。所得資料以二因子混合設計變異數分析考驗三組的前、後測是否有顯著差異。本研究結果藉由16週阻力結合振動訓練介入,兩組訓練組 (RT及RT+VT組) 之肌肉適能(最大肌力)包括大腿內收、大腿踢伸、滑輪下拉、機械划船、坐姿向下推壓、蝴蝶式擴胸及慣用手握力等動作均有顯著進步 (p<.05) 。此外,各組於後測成績相較下,滑輪下拉、機械划船及坐姿向下推壓等動作兩組訓練組均優於控制組 (p<.05);但在骨骼健康(骨質密度及骨骼代謝)檢測項目中,三組各項指標均未明顯改變 (p>.05)。短期的進行16週阻力結合振動訓練,對大專體重過輕女性雖未提昇骨質密度及造成骨骼代謝指標上改變,卻可有效提昇肌肉適能(最大肌力),間接保護骨骼健康及預防骨質疏鬆症之風險。


Size zero model afflicting with excessive weight lose will potentially cause bone and health problems. The purposes of this study were to examine the effects of combined resistance and vibration training on muscular fitness and bone health in underweight college aged students. Thirty-six subjects were recruited from untrained young women of body mass index (BMI<18.5) and finally 30 subjects accomplished the programs. They were including resistance training (RT, n=12), combined resistance and vibration training (RT+VT, n=11) and control group (CON, n=7). The resistance training protocol was eight exercises consisted of whole body, 1-3 sets, 12-15 repetitions with 60-70% 1RM and 30-50 min of resistance training groups, with training 3 times (Mon., Wed., and Fri.) per week. RT+VT group had received upper body vibration exercise after resistance training. It was composed of 60 seconds on/ 30 seconds off arm curved positioning in frequency of 40 Hz and amplitude of 4g and would be repeated 3-5 times in a training set. Control group maintained their regular lifestyles without training. The following dependent variables of all subjects were measured before and after 16 weeks of training: 1) Body mass index (BMI) by measuring weight (kg) and height (m), 2) Body composition by Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (Inbody 720, Korea), 3) Muscular fitness (maximum strength). 4) Bone mineral density (BMD) of the left and right forearm, at lumbar (L1-4), and femoral neck using a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), and 5) Bone turnover markers: measuring plasma osteocalcin (OCN) and C-terminal telopeptide (CTx). The collected data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (group × time) with repeated measures to examine after training. The results indicated that the muscular fitness (maximal muscular strength) of both RT and RT+VT group in hip adduction, leg extension, lat pull down, seated rowing, seated push down, chest press and dominant hand’s grip strength items had improved significantly (p<.05) after 16 weeks of training. In addition, the maximal muscular strengths in lat pull down, seated rowing, seated push down items of RT and RT+VT group were significantly better than those of control group (p<.05) while comparing the outcomes of post test. However, the indexes in bone health (bone mineral density and bone turnover biomarkers) showed no changes (p>.05) among three groups. Short term 16-week of RT or RT+VT would improve the muscular fitness of underweight college aged female students to assist bone health indirectly and reduce the risk factors of osteoporosis.


