  • 學位論文


DPJ's(Democratic Party of Japan)Policy toward China: A Study on Hatoyama Administration and Kan Administration

指導教授 : 曲兆祥


日本民主黨於2009年8月在眾議院選舉取得壓倒性的席次,取得了480席中的308席,結束了1955年以來自民黨所長期主導的日本政治生態。 2009年9月鳩山由紀夫就任日本首相後,被期待能兌現他的競選諾言,包括振興下滑的日本經濟,以及在對亞洲國家釋出善意和重視中日關係的同時,建立穩定的美日關係。 鳩山表示日本應和追求更對等的美日關係,並在制定外交政策上更為獨立,期望中日間的爭端能和平解決,建立更緊密的中日關係,要求中國共同合作形成類似歐盟形式的「東亞共同體」,讓中日戰略互惠關係更為深入及擴大,但此舉也造成美日關係的動搖,也引發歐巴馬政府對民主黨的反美親中行為感到擔憂,最後沖繩普天間美軍基地的移設問題讓鳩山飽受美國和日本內部的壓力而下台。菅直人內閣上任後調整了中國政策方向,強調將致力於和亞洲各國建立信賴關係,但不挑戰美日同盟的第一優先地位,然而在2010年9月7日在釣魚台列島附近,中國漁船與日本的保安廳巡邏船發生碰撞後,使中日關係陷入緊張,中國的激烈對應讓日本提高警戒,爭取美國的支持成為菅直人政府的最大要務,但美日關係的靠近卻成為中日關係修復的阻礙之一,要如何在顧慮美日同盟的密切合作下,爭取中國的信任並讓中日關係回到正軌,成為菅直人政府中國政策的重點。 鳩山由紀夫政府和菅直人政府因中日之間的互動和中日間發生的主要事件,讓兩個時期的中國政策出現相當不同的轉變,本論文的目的在於找出並比較兩任政府中國政策的異同,並分析中日間的主要事件和影響中國政策的因素,以歸類出民主黨政府的中國政策脈絡


In August 2009, Japan’s biggest opposition party Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) defeated Liberal Democratic Party(LDP), which has ruled Japan almost a half century since 1955. The DPJ won 308 seats in the 480 seatsof lower house, Yukio Hatoyama took office as prime minister of Japan and named cabinet. Yukio Hatoyama was expected to deliver his election promises and face a series of tasks of Japan, such as how to thrive Japan’s current economy and build a steady relationship with U.S. while creating closer China-Japan relations. Hatoyama mentioned that he thought Japan has to distance itself from US diplomatic policies and be more independent. Hatoyama also proposed the East Asian Community concept, which is similar to the EU, he asked China to work together for forming East Asian Community and overcoming differenced between China and Japan in order to deepening mutually beneficial China-Japan ties and emphasized China is crucial for Japan. Before Hatoyama took office, he pledged not to visit Yasukuni Shrine, showed his intention to improve relations between with China and Japan. However, the move of increasing intimate relations with China made U.S. concerned about the anti-America vision of DPJ government may damage the U.S.-Japan relations. At the end, Hatoyama couldn’t break the deadlock of U.S.-Japan relations and failed to fulfill his pledge to move the U.S. base away from Okinawa, Hatoyama resigned in June, 2010. Yukio Hatoyama’s successor, Naoto Kan, has learned lesson from Hatoyama, did not want to challenge the position of the U.S.-Japan relations, tried to regain the trust of Washington. On September 7, 2010, a Chinese fishing vessel collided with Japanese patrol boats in the East Sea near the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands claimed by both China and Japan. After Japan detained Chinese fishing boat captain, China reacted furiously and demanding an apology and compensation. Beijing suspended talks with Tokyo, blocked exports of rare earths. U.S. offered reassurance to Japan that the Senkaku Islands covered by the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, expressed strong support for Kan administration. Indeed, the U.S.-Japan relations are highly valued again, Japan expressed concerns over Chinese military build-up and Chinese navy, eager to strengthen military ties with the U.S. against China. These moves made the China-Japan relations entered into dead end, the rising tension made the China-Japan relations cooled immediately. Even Kan gave harsh criticism to China but still emphasized maintaining good relations with China is vital, especially China is Japan’s biggest trade partner, indicated that making China-Japan Relations back on track is a big task. The China Policy of Yukio Hatoyama administration and Naoto Kan administration displayed different patterns of China-Japan interactions. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the differences and similarities of China policy between the two administration, analyze the major events between China and Japan, and observe the factors that affect China policy of Hatoyama administration and Kan administration.


DPJ Yukio Hatoyama Naoto Kan China-Japan relations Senkaku


何思慎、陳舜仁,〈後小泉時代日本東亞安全戰略調整之研究〉,《政治學報》,第四十九期 2010年6月,頁94。
蔡增家,〈從政治力學分析日本民主黨的經濟與外交政策〉,《政治學報》,第五十期 2010年12月,頁101。
伊藤惇夫,2008,《民主党 野望と野合のメカニズム》,東京:新潮社。
