  • 學位論文


The Culture of Textbook Selection of Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 劉美慧


本研究旨在了解國小教師的教科書選用文化之樣貌及其文化的形塑。為了更貼近文化真實的面貌,研究者採用訪談、非參與式觀察來收集資料,並以制度、行為模式與價值觀等文化的視角加以分析。 整理與分析研究資料後,本研究所得結論為: 一、選用文化的樣貌 教師為主要的教科書選用者,會議過程遵循民主程序,討論時會尊重資深教師的意見,但整體而言,選用會議易流於形式,評選表形同虛設。出現服務導向重於產品導向現象,教師以經驗來選書,專業與方便考量猶如天秤兩端。 二、教科書選用文化的形塑 教科書開放自行選用的政策,賦予教師教科書選用權,然而教科書商品化並未影響保守的教師文化,教科書的選用仍傾向延續過去所使用的版本。 三、教科書選用文化理想與現實的落差 教師經常以專業自主之名,合理化教學慣性,導致教科書的選用並非基於學生學習需求,而是以教師教學為主要考量。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、學校行政 教科書選用者與使用者宜一致,各校依教師專業判斷自訂各領域評選表,將教科書選用會議透明化,且將選用的知識納入學校在職進修課程的一部份。 二、教師 依領域組成教師專業社群,提供對話及論辯的管道,選用教科書應回歸專業的考量。 三、教科書出版社 提供一完整階段的樣書,免除教師們對於教科書品質不一的疑慮,取得服務導向與產品導向的平衡。


The study aims to understand elementary school teachers culture of textbooks selection and how the culture was shaped over years. This study applied interviews and observation as research methods, and analyzed from cultural aspects of institution, the models of behavior and values conducted. The following conclusions emerged from this study: 1.The culture of textbooks selection Teachers are main textbooks selectors. Although democratic procedure are conducted and experienced teachers’ opinion are reflected, the selection processes are generally ineffective. Overall speaking, the textbooks selection is service-oriented rather than product-oriented. Teachers are used to select textbooks according to using experience rather than educational profession. 2.The shaping of selection culture Teachers are given the right of textbook selection by the policy. However, the conservative culture among teachers were not changed by the commercialization of textbooks. 3.The gap between the ideal and the real Though the professional autonomy was persued by the policy, teachers tend to rationalize their using habits under the policy. Therefore, the textbooks selected are more likely to suit for teaching rather than learning. Finally, according to the research results, the following suggestions were made: 1.School Administration Selectors and users must reach agreements on the choices of textbooks. Schools should develop textbook selection format for themselves according to professional judgement. The selection process should be open and allow teachers to evaluate textbooks, and process the knowledge of selection must be regarded as parts of courses for in-service teachers. 2.Teachers Professional communities should be formed according to teaching fields, which can provide teachers with the opportunities of dialogues and meaningful discussions, in order to improve the educational profession in the processes of textbook selection. 3.Textbook Publishers Publishers should provide teachers with a complete series of textbook samples, for avoiding teachers’ worry about the veried qualities of single textbook. A balance between service-orientation and product-orientation should be striked through the conduction of rational processes of textbook selection.


